Top 7 Mental Health Challenges Students Are Facing

According to findings by the National Alliance on Mental Health, many college students today are facing a wide range of mental health challenges. In fact, nearly two thirds of lifetime mental health problems start by the age of 24, which is why it is important for college students to recognize and understand the symptoms of mental illnesses in themselves and their peers. Some of these problems can be solved by homework market and some by psychology specialists. They also need to know how to handle such challenges or seek professional help after recognizing them.

When it comes to dealing with this issue, the first step is to identify the top mental health challenges facing college students today. Some of these include:

  1. Depression

This is one of the most common problems affecting college students, and it comes in different forms. In fact, it is the main reason for most college dropouts. If left unaddressed, depression can lead to self-hard or even suicide. Students facing this problem often feel helpless, despondent, and detached from their friends, family, and the world at large.

It interferes with their lives and makes it difficult for them to handle normal tasks, such as studying, working, eating, and even sleeping. Coon symptoms of depression include changes in sleeping habits and appetite, feelings of sadness, powerlessness and hopelessness, and difficulty in paying attention and concentrating.

  1. Anxiety

It is normal for most people, including college students, to experience low levels of anxiety sometimes, but this does not mean that they have a mental disorder. It becomes a disorder when it starts interfering with their daily lives, making it difficult to function. Anxiety disorders can also cause intense fear and stress. Many college students today, unfortunately, are facing this challenge.

Some of the common types of anxiety disorders include:

  1. Generalized anxiety disorder
  2. Social anxiety disorder
  3. Obsessive compulsive disorder
  4. Post-traumatic stress disorder
  5. Panic disorder

Symptoms include feelings of apprehension and stress, fearfulness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, frequent headaches, dizziness and sweating, frequent diarrhea and upset stomach, tension and muscle pain, irregular heartbeat, and shortness of breath. Howsoever, this is curable, experts can help you with generalized anxiety disorder treatment without medications.

  1. Eating Disorders

Millions of college students around the world develop some form of eating disorder in college. This problem affects both men and women alike; unfortunately, most college students do not realize that they have a mental disorder, and those that do choose to keep it secret. Eating disorders, however, can lead to physical problems and serious mental issues that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Common types of eating disorders include binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and anorexia nervosa. Symptoms include dehydration, poor body image, always making excuses for bad eating habits, excessive exercise, fear of eating in public, irregular heartbeat, and more.

  1. Addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction is common in many college campuses today. For most college students, this problem begins as a social habit that gradually gets out of hand. Symptoms and signs of this mental disorder include a sudden need for money, unexplainable paranoia, anxiety or fear, bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, impaired coordination, frequent fighting, lawlessness, high tolerance for drugs and/or alcohol, and a sudden change of hobbies, activities, or friends.

  1. Adjustment Disorder

Many students find it challenging to leave home and go away to college, which often means adjusting to a new school, a new town, new people, and a new environment. While many students are able to take the changes in stride, some tend to struggle with the adjustment. Common signs and symptoms of this mental disorder include anxiety, depression, inappropriate behavior, difficulty functioning well, frequent complaining, and social isolation or withdrawal.

  1. Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

College is the time when students need to advocate for themselves with professors, doctors, and other people. Some find it difficult to handle these responsibilities and end up exhibiting certain worrying behaviors.

Students who are showing symptoms related to hyperactivity and inattention in a way that is negatively affecting their academic and social lives may be struggling with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Common symptoms include difficulty paying attention and listening, frequently failing to complete tasks, losing things frequently, difficulty organizing, inability to sit still, talking excessively, feeling restless, impatience, and more.

  1. Bipolar Disorder

This is a difficult mental disorder to diagnose and understand; unfortunately, any college students are struggling with it every day. Fortunately, symptoms of this disorder are treatable; therefore, students struggling with it can get bipolar psychosis treatment and do not have to suffer alone and in silence.

Common symptoms include manic episode symptoms such as inflated self-esteem, elevated mood, talking too much, doing high-risk activities, too much energy, racing thoughts, and more. Other symptoms include depressive episode symptoms such as lack of interest in all activities, restless behavior, depressed mood, slowed behavior, and feelings of guilt and worthlessness.

Left untreated, mental health disorders can get worse or even life-threatening. It is important to take immediate action if you think you may be experiencing some mental health issue. Many college students are going through the same thing; therefore, you are not alone. You also need to remember that your friends and family members love you and are looking out for your best interest; therefore, talking to them will help you deal with your challenges.