3 Best SEO Tips for 2021

If you’re not ranking on Google’s first page, consider your website invisible in the eyes of your target audience. Ranking at the top results of any Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) gives your business an edge over your competitors for three reasons: 

  1. Users will more likely click on your page when they see you on top of their search results.  
  2. More clicks on your page mean more traffic that could potentially lead to increased conversion and bring more sales to your business.  
  3. Your website becomes an authority in your niche, which helps build your brand authority and awareness. 

For these reasons, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become an imperative marketing solution for any business that wishes to find success in the digital space. If you’re a business owner with a struggling website, take a look at your SEO monthly report to find areas where you can improve. And regardless if you’re a business owner with a functioning website or not, you’ll find these three essential SEO tips to be very useful in 2021:


Increase Clicks On SERPs 

Ideally, you want your visitors to find your website at the number 1 spot of a SERP. But because the competition is fierce, it would take more time and effort on your part in order to get to that sweet number 1 spot. Don’t fret. Believe it or not, there’s a way for you to earn more clicks still even when you’re not ranking way up high on Google. 

All you need to do is improve these two SEO components: Title Tags and Meta Description. 


What Are Title Tags 

Title tags are the clickable headlines or article titles that appear on a result page. These headlines are what users first see when they enter a search query. With that said, your title tag must provide a clear and concise message that is relevant to a user’s inquiry.  

Typically, Google displays the first 50-60 characters of a title. So as long as you keep your headline under 60 characters, Google will display the page’s full title. 

A compelling title tag motivates users to click on your page without hesitation. Follow these best practices to make your headlines more exciting for your readers: 

  • Pay attention to the length 
  • Use a moderate amount of target keywords 
  • Be descriptive but concise 
  • Match the title with a search intent 
  • Write unique titles for every page 

What Are Meta Descriptions 

A meta description is a summary of a page displayed just right below the title tag or headline. Its primary purpose is to provide a relevant snippet of information about what that page is about. A good meta description must provide a concise summary of how a page will answer a user’s search query. 

On average, Google displays 160 characters or less on the meta description section of its SERP. Make sure to keep your meta descriptions under 160 characters so readers will have a better overview of your particular web page. 

To captivate more users to click on your website, follow these practices to create more compelling meta descriptions: 

  • Use Target Keywords Moderately 
  • Make It Unique And Interesting 
  • Provide An Accurate Summary 


Relaunch Top Content 

Year after year, people’s needs change. Content that may have spoken to users four years ago may not be so relevant anymore today. However, that doesn’t mean what you’ve posted before is entirely useless. In fact, revisiting old content may bring a few benefits to your SEO success this 2021. 

This year, conduct a content audit of all the articles, videos, tutorials, podcasts, and other content you’ve published in the last 5 to 10 years. Look for top content or content which your audience may have received very well. Update them in such a way that provides relevant information applicable today. 

Doing a content audit also lets you see broken links, which may be causing your articles to rank lower on Google. As you update your content, make an effort to work on link building. In other words, you have to increase your internal links and remove broken ones to increase your chances of ranking on SERPs.  


Focus On User And Search Intent 

Many business owners are stuck with the idea that in order to sell their products online, they need to be right in their market’s faces all the time. Not only is this belief outdated, but it could also ruin your chances of earning your target market’s trust. 

Gone are the days when marketing messages consist of lousy sales pitches. Today, customers have the real power to choose where they’ll take their business to. Consumers are more trusting of companies that add value to them before they even purchase their products. 

This year, a part of your SEO strategy should focus on your target users and what they’re looking for.  

Google has now become more sophisticated in identifying the types of questions a user is looking for. Say a user types in ‘spaghetti,’ Google will more likely display images and information about what spaghetti is. On the other hand, searching for ‘spaghetti near me’ will show the results of the nearest restaurants that serve spaghetti in your area. 

To rank on Google’s first page, you need to get into your user’s headspace and understand the four types of search intent


  • Informational 

A search intent falls under informational when a user is looking for certain information. Queries like ‘best travel destinations’ or ‘how to improve your marketing strategy’ are examples of informational search intent. 


  • Navigational 

When a user is looking for a specific website or webpage, this is considered a navigational search query. For example, if a user types in ‘Instagram’ or ‘TikTok’ on a search engine, that’s a navigational search. 


  • Commercial 

This type of search intent occurs when a user is looking for a specific product but needs more information to finalize their decision. Instead of searching for ‘best travel destinations,’ a user has graduated to find ‘the best hotels in the Bahamas.’ 


  • Transactional 

At this point, the user is ready to buy. Search queries like ‘where to buy iPhone 12’ are something a user might type in if they are prepared to purchase a new smartphone. 



Focusing on SEO to increase your business’s online presence is extremely important now more than ever. The pandemic-stricken year of 2020 forced businesses of all shapes and sizes to transition online. This means you need to develop a better strategy to survive in the digital space. Follow these tips and learn everything you can about SEO strategies, and you are well on your way to digital success!

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