5 Differences between Full-Stack and Mean Stack

When it comes to custom software development, two of the most popular frameworks are the full-stack and the MEAN stack. While each have their own unique advantages, there are a few key differences which set them apart from one another that developers need to know before choosing which technology is best for their web application development project.

First, let’s take a look at what full-stack and MEAN stack technologies involve. A full-stack developer is someone who is knowledgeable in all aspects of web application development, including the front-end, back-end, and database administration. On the other hand, MEAN is an acronym that stands for MongoDB, Express JS, Angular JS, and NodeJS—all of which are Javascript based technologies that are free to use while still offering top-tier technology solutions for custom software development requirements.

With these definitions in mind, here are five differences between full-stack and MEAN stack:

1) Cost Savings: One of the primary advantages of hiring a full-stack developer to work on a project from start to finish is that businesses can save on their development costs as well as hiring resources since they don’t have to employ multiple developers with different skill sets. On the other hand, while MEAN stack technologies offer cost savings due to its open source status and only requiring one programming language (Javascript) throughout its entire process—the complexity involved with using these technologies could require more time spent by staff on maintenance over time if issues arise which could make it slightly more expensive than hiring a single full-stack developer.

2) Scalability: Fintech software development services utilizing a MEAN stack are becoming increasingly popular due to their scalability and versatility. With MongoDB, businesses are able to rapidly expand resources with minimal effort, making it the perfect choice for companies with large data storage needs or those that experience frequent spikes in activity. Additionally, MEAN stack developers specialize in this area and are better equipped to understand complex scalability issues.

3) Maintenance: Due to its reliance on one programming language (Javascript), switching between front end and back end tasks can be done much more quickly by MEAN stack developers when compared to full-stack developers who may not necessarily have expertise in every component used by those developing using MEAN stack technologies. This means that when issues occur during various stages of an application’s development cycle—MEAN stack developers will be better equipped than full-stacks when it comes down resolving them efficiently while also being able provide long term solutions for optimal performance of an application over time.

4) Cross Domain Knowledge: As mentioned earlier—full stacks typically gain flexibility as well as cross domain knowledge working on multiple projects however; since MEAN stacks rely solely on Javascript they often times possess even greater skillset flexibility than those working in other areas such as coding with HTML or Python that are used by many full stacks while remaining specialized enough so that they can continue addressing challenges related specifically related towards web application development projects over time without having ever venture too far away from this particular niche area of expertise/specialization.

5) Design Structure: Since most full stack developers have participated in numerous projects from start until finish—they will likely be able to contribute greatly towards helping determine design structures needed for any type of web app development project over time while understanding how certain design choices might effect performance once they begin implementation process itself upon completion planning phase has been completed.. Whereas since MEAN stacks mainly focus exclusively on Javascript related tasks—they typically do not possess same level depth knowledge regarding how certain elements within design structure may interact emotionally or aesthetically speaking once app has been completed in regards overall performance .

All things considered both full stacks & mean stacks possess unique capabilities & strengths that should be taken into account prior deciding upon technology best suited for specific web application project being undertaken by company or organization looking for assistance either completing entire project themselves through outsourcing partners like 10Clouds . Ultimately however – decision choose between two should always made after taking all available facts into consideration meet particular company’s needs.

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