5 Ways to Ensure Your Dog Stays Clean

Keeping dogs means lots of hair everywhere, lots of bad odor when your dog goes playing outside, and many times, cleaning after a dog. Well, as a dog parent, you have no choice. You love your dog so you put up with the consequences. That does not mean that your dog has to stay dirty, or your home. In fact most of the time, a clean dog means a clean home.

Therefore, how do you ensure your dog always stays clean?

  1. Regular grooming

This is obviously the first way to ensure a clean dog; you groomit. Grooming involves cutting its nails, bathing it, brushing its hair, and doing lots of other things. The bottomline is that a clean dog means more peace to you. 

There are many advantages to grooming your dog. For instance, dogs naturally shed a lot of hair during various seasons. To replace old hair, your dog sheds the old hair off. As a dog owner, brushing your dog’s hair often helps you to catch loose hair before it falls off on your furniture, carpets, rugs, etc. You should therefore ensure that you brush your dog’s hair more regularly.

In addition, bathing your dog using a dog shampoo for shedding makes sure that you get rid of skin allergies and ingest your dog with nutrients to boost hair sustenance. This helps when your dog is shedding excessively too. Using such shampoos means that your dog also gets rid of bad odor and replaces that with a good shampoo smell.

  1. Clean Potty

Always check your dog’s potty so that your dog is not accidentally spilling potty contents on itself in its kennel or your home. If the dog comes to contact with its own waste, it will stink and be running around your home smelling like it. It is your responsibility to make sure that the dog’s potty is always cleaned.

  1. Regularly wash dog’s kennel

You should regularly clean your dog’s house. There is no need to leave your dog to stay in a dirty house. If your dog has bedding and any other fabrics also ensure to clean them occasionally. That way your dog also stays clean and the cycle continues.

  1. Clean your dog’s toys

The next thing that comes close to cleaning your dog is the dog’s toys. These are day to day play items that your dog interacts with on a daily basis. Therefore if a toy is dirty at any point in time, you can count on your dog being dirty too. Use warm water and a detergent when scrubbing plastic toys. For cloth toys wash them like you would any cloth or use a washing machine.

  1. Buy your dog outside wear

During bad weather like winter, you can buy your dog a winter coat and waterproof boots. Yes, these things exist for dogs too and they come in plenty. This way, when your dog comes home you can keep rock salt and outdoor wetness outside your home while protecting your dog from adverse weather effects. You just remove the coat and booties and leave them outside your house.

With these 5 methods, you can always ensure your dog stays clean and the same reflects in your home.