6 Reasons Why You Should Use SMS For Your eCommerce Business

In the age of digital commerce, businesses must employ a variety of marketing channels to reach their target audiences. Search engine optimization, social media marketing, and email marketing are all critical pieces of the puzzle. But advisors at Recart say there’s one marketing tool often overlooked by eCommerce businesses: SMS marketing.

SMS, or short message service, is a text messaging service used to send and receive text messages on mobile phones. It’s fast, efficient, and a potent marketing tool—especially for eCommerce businesses. Here are six reasons you should use SMS for your eCommerce business.

1. SMS Is Personal

When you send an SMS to your customers, you send a message directly to their phone—which is about as personal as possible. This level of personalization can help you build trust and credibility with your customers, which is essential for any business but especially important for eCommerce businesses that rely on online sales.

2. SMS Is Immediate

Unlike other marketing channels like email or social media, SMS doesn’t require customers to log in to their account or open an app to see your message—it goes straight to their phone. This makes it an incredibly effective way to reach your target audience promptly with time-sensitive information like flash sales, discounts, and new product releases.

3. SMS Has High Open Rates

The average open rate for email marketing hovers around 20%. What is the average available rate for SMS? A whopping 98%. That means that nearly everyone who receives an SMS from your eCommerce business will read it—which gives you a huge opportunity to increase sales and drive traffic to your website or brick-and-mortar store.

4. You Can Reach A Wider Audience With SMS

According to the Pew Research Center, 77% of Americans own a smartphone—that’s nearly three-quarters of the population! And with SMS, you can reach them all with the click of a button. So if you’re looking for a way to expand your customer base, SMS marketing is worth considering.

5. You Can Segment Your Audience For More Targeted Campaigns

With most marketing channels, you’re limited in how much you can personalize your message because you don’t have access to customer data like purchase history and demographics. But with SMS marketing platforms like Trumpia, you can segment your audience based on this data to send more targeted messages relevant to their interests and needs—leading to more engaged customers and higher conversion rates.

6. You Can Automate Your SMS Campaigns

Another great thing about using an SMS marketing platform like Trumpia is that you can automate your campaigns so that they go out without any effort— freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of running your business. Automated campaigns also help ensure your messages are consistent and timely, increasing engagement rates.

Some ways that you can use SMS for your eCommerce business include sending out promotional messages, order confirmations and notifications, customer service alerts, loyalty programs and rewards , and more. With so many advantages to using SMS for marketing, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be taking advantage of this powerful tool. By leveraging the power of SMS, you can maximize your reach and increase your sales—all at the same time. So what are you waiting for?



As the world becomes increasingly digitized, businesses must employ a variety of marketing channels to reach their target audiences. Search engine optimization, social media marketing, and email marketing are all critical pieces of the puzzle. But there’s one marketing tool that is often overlooked by eCommerce businesses: SMS marketing.

SMS, or short message service, is a text messaging service used to send and receive text messages on mobile phones. It’s fast, efficient, and a potent marketing tool — especially for eCommerce businesses. If you’re not already using SMS as part of your eCommerce marketing strategy, now is the time to start!