7 Signs You Need To Invest in Plumbing Repairs for Your New Home

Whether you’ve just moved into a new home or have lived in your current place for years, it pays to be aware of plumbing issues that could crop up. After all, plumbing problems can be expensive to fix and time-consuming to deal with. So, what are some signs that you need to investigate plumbing issues further? Let’s take a look.

1. Unpleasant odors coming from drains – If you notice strange smells coming from any of your drains, this could indicate a blockage or buildup of debris somewhere within the pipes. This is especially true if the smell is persistent and there isn’t an obvious source within your home, such as food left out or an animal mess.

2. Clogged toilets – If your toilet clogs every time you use it, that could be an indication that there is a larger issue with the plumbing system in your home. It may be something as simple as needing to replace the flapper valve in the tank or something more serious like tree roots growing into the main sewer line outside your home.

3. Water pressure changes – A sudden change in water pressure when using multiple fixtures at once may mean that there is an issue with the supply lines leading into your home from outside or with the piping inside your walls. Low water pressure can also indicate a leak somewhere along the line—something you definitely don’t want!

4. Dampness in certain areas – If certain areas of your home seem damp without explanation (e.g., no rain recently) then this could be indicative of a water leak somewhere within the walls or ceilings of your house that needs immediate attention by a qualified plumber.

5. Slow drainage– If things like sinks and showers drain extremely slowly, it likely means there is something blocking one of more of them and needs to be cleared away so everything flows properly again. In some cases, slow drainage can mean tree roots have grown into part of the main sewer line outside and needs professional intervention to rectify it properly and safely without causing any damage to nearby structures or vegetation .

6. Discolored water– Discolored water coming out of any fixture often signals major issues with either old galvanized steel pipes (commonly found in homes built before 1960) or copper pipes corroding due to acidity levels present in local water supplies (commonly seen in cities like Phoenix). Either way these are issues that need professional attention right away since they can lead to detrimental health effects if left unchecked for too long .

7. Unexplained high water bills– Finally, if you notice that suddenly your monthly water bill is much higher than usual but haven’t actually been using more than usual then chances are there is a hidden leak somewhere on your property which must be located and fixed ASAP!



As young men who have recently moved into a new home, it’s important for us to stay alert when it comes to potential plumbing problems so we can catch them early on before they become bigger headaches than necessary down the road! Keep an eye out for these seven signs and contact a reliable plumber immediately if you suspect any issues with your household’s plumbing system! Good luck!