7 Top Tips to Get More Instagram Followers

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms. It is used by over a billion users every month. Thus, it offers a great deal of potential. You might have taken the perfect picture and thought to yourself that it will help you gain a massive following. However, things do not go as you want them to. If you want more likes and comments, you need to put in the effort to increase your Instagram followers. It will help you get the results that you are looking for. This post shares the top tips that will help you get more Instagram followers in no time. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in.

  1. Optimize Instagram Bio

One of the tips that will help you get more followers on Instagram is optimizing your Instagram bio. Take advantage of 150 characters to attract users to give you a follow. Your Instagram bio tells people what you are about and what they can expect when they follow you. Here is how you can optimize your Instagram bio.

  • Craft a clear description about you or your business.
  • Add a touch of personality.
  • Include a CTA (Call-to-Action) such as read more, contact us, shop, etc.
  • Place your website link or a relevant link.
  • Create a unique hashtag.

Since your bio link is the only clickable link, you must use it wisely. Some Instagram accounts stick to a standard website link, whereas, others change it regularly to keep up with the latest posts. Link-in-bio tools will make things easier for you. You can even turn a single link into a catalog of links. Finally, include a unique hashtag in the bio. It will instantly catch everyone’s attention. A branded hashtag is the way to go. Besides, if anyone taps on your hashtag, posts including that hashtag would appear.

  1. Post at the Right Time

Another great tip that will help you increase the number of followers you have on Instagram is posting at the right time. Determine the best time for posting on the platform. The fact is that there is no universal answer to this. You just have to research your target audience to find out which time would allow for maximum views. Instagram Insights will help you determine when your audience is online. Then, you can find out when your audience is most active. Make sure that your content is relevant to the time of the post.

For instance, a food recipe video would perform better after work hours since most people would be cooking at that time. As for a coffee shop post, it would perform better around 1pm or 2pm as people would go out for a drink during that time. To find the best time, you must experiment with different times and keep track of engagement.

  1. Post Consistently

If you are serious about getting more Instagram follower, you must post consistently. Generally, businesses share four posts on Instagram every week on an average. To gain maximum followers on Instagram, you must post at least once every day. When you regularly upload pictures and videos on Instagram, you will benefit from the best results.

Research shows that profiles that post every day gain followers faster on Instagram than those that do not post as frequently. Consistency is everything. It can help the algorithmic timeline work in your favor. Besides this, if your posts get shared regularly and attract massive engagement, the algorithm will ensure that your posts appear at the top.

Always remember that quality is more important. Therefore, posting more on Instagram does not mean that you should post low quality content. Only post content that truly resonates with your target audience. It will help ensure that they engage with it which will prove beneficial. You can use an Instagram scheduling tool to post consistently.

  1. Learn More about the Instagram Algorithm

The best way to have 1000 Instagram followers follow you is by unraveling how the Instagram algorithm works. The switch from a chronological feed to a ranked timeline might have made you panic. But, it has only proven to show that the average post is seen by 50 percent more followers. Rather to working to bear the algorithm, you need to learn from it and use it to your advantage. You can do this by improving on interest, relationship, timeliness, frequency, usage, and following.

  1. Try Different Content Types

The truth is that Instagram is more than just a platform to post pictures. It has evolved over the years and introduced many new ways to share content. Therefore, it is important that you mix things up by trying different content types. It will appeal to more people and help you get more followers in no time. Now that you know that the algorithm focuses on interest, you must show people that you can create different types of content. Each content type has its benefits. You can use Instagram Reels to increase engagement and get people to take an interest in your account. Similarly, you should also post Instagram TV (IGTV) videos to get maximum traction.

  1. Craft Amazing Captions

A great caption goes a long way in helping boost engagement. It will encourage people to want to learn more about you and hit follow. The reason why you need to focus on captions is because they provide you an opportunity to add more details to the picture. You must also include keywords in the captions to ensure that the posts appear in the search results. Even a simple caption can go a long way.

  1. Use a Tool to Get Instagram Followers

Finally, you can also use a tool to get free Instagram followers and likes. It will require minimal effort and help you generate more followers than ever before. If you have huge target that you cannot afford to miss, you must use it. The best part is that it will quickly increase your follower count on Instagram within as little time as possible.



Now that you know how to get more Instagram followers, nothing is standing in your way. You just need to follow the abovementioned tips to take your Instagram account to new heights. Make sure to bookmark our post so that you continue to use each tip.