Top 5 Trail Running Preparation Tips

Whether you intend to lose weight, compete in a race, improve your health or want to relax, running is an incredible way to boost your stamina. As exciting as experiencing nature first-hand through running on the trails may sound, it can be challenging and frustrating if you are not well prepared. This process not only involves getting the right training shoes or gear but also a whole set of healthy decisions that need to be made. Below are a few tips to help you prepare for the run:

Plan and prepare in advance

Decide in advance what time of the day is convenient for you to run while receiving a positive body response. Remember, your training routine does not have to match other runners. Choose routes and terrains that will enable you to achieve your goal. Set a GPS or download an app with a map that can count steps to guide and motivate you. Choose a terrain that advances gradually and ensure you learn the area well. You can also prepare a good playlist to keep your mojo up and enjoy the experience. Running is not only an exercise but a calming journey that you should take at your own pace while prepared for it physically, mentally and emotionally.

Your safety is a priority, so always tell someone where you go and get hiking poles for stability. Remember to prepare for a situation in case you get lost, set realistic goals and check for the weather conditions before the time comes to avoid getting stuck.

Get yourself appropriate gear

Find running-specific gear made from high tech fabric to keep you comfortable during both cold and hot seasons. Shoes are crucial to getting a successful experience. Getting the wrong trail running shoes is hazardous to you as the shoes can cause you to trip and get injuries, get blisters and cause your feet to swell. For safety, go for shoes that fit your running style, consider whether you intend to get cushioning or need them to be lightweight and, if they have a reflective surface. Most importantly, consider the surface you intend to run on, e.g. trails will require high-quality shoes with thicker treads than those for treadmill and road running, which you can get at

Always leave your gear where you can easily find it to avoid stressful mornings or evenings, depending on your time of convenience. Keep them clean and fresh to ensure you are comfortable during the run.

Ensure you get enough rest before the run

Rest is essential if you intend to have a good run and productive day in the long run. Depriving yourself of sleep even by one hour less can significantly deteriorate you’re your goals. This reason is why you need a well-planned workout with the food and clothes laid out for the next day, early enough so you can rest enough and do everything peacefully.

Adjust your daily diet

As a runner, .you must have a healthy diet with the right carbs to give you energy during the run. Do not necessarily cut off the food you love but instead find a nutritionist to help you. Hydrate before and during the run to avoid dehydrating and fatigue during the race or run on the trail. Carry an extra snack, especially an energy bar, to keep you solid and willful to run.

Include other workouts in your training

Doing exercises such as weightlifting and squats builds your overall body strength making it easier to run while saving you from injuries. Always warm-up before the run, maintain a positive attitude and enjoy the run. Focus more on the time you intend to run for instead of the miles, as they can be discouraging. Take it slow if you are a beginner, you will get more flexible and better with time.