Can Wearing A Disposable Medical Mask Protect You Against Covid-19?

The novel coronavirus has left the world under lockdown. It has wreaked havoc on the global economy and shows no signs of stopping. Until a vaccine is available to the public, it is crucial to take extra precautions. One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the virus is by wearing a disposable medical mask. Besides social distancing, you need to cover your face in public spaces and maintain a 6-foot distance from others if possible.

Covid-19 is transmitted through small respiratory droplets. They are released when a person who has the virus sneezes, coughs, talks, or exhales. If you inhale these droplets, you can easily contract the virus. Moreover, the droplets containing the virus can remain on surfaces and objects for several hours. It is also possible to acquire the virus if you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth after touching an object or surface which has the virus on it. The important question that needs answering is if you can wear a mask to protect yourself.

How Much Protection Do Face Masks Offer?

  1. Surgical Masks

When it comes to surgical masks, they cannot protect you against SARS-CoV-2. The reason why you cannot rely on these masks alone is that they do not filter out the smaller aerosol particles. Air leakage might occur from the sides of the mask as you breathe. Hence, you should not expect 100 percent protection when you wear a surgical mask.

  1. Homemade Face Masks

As for homemade face masks, they only provide a small degree of protection. However, they might help prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 from people who are asymptomatic. According to the CDC, it is recommended to use homemade face masks in public. Thus, whenever you go to a public space, you should put on the mask and practice physical distancing as much as possible. Do not forget to ensure proper hygiene.

  1. N95 Respirators

To achieve maximum protection against Covid-19, N95 respirators are a great option. The reason why they are more reliable is that they can even protect you from smaller respiratory droplets that contain SARS-CoV-2. But, the CDC does not recommend using them outside of a healthcare setting. If you are wondering why you should not use an N95 respirator, the following reasons will make you realize why you should opt for another protective measure.

  • N95 respirators have a tight fit. This makes it difficult to wear them for an extended period of time.
  • There is a need for fit-testing to ensure that they are used appropriately. For instance, if there is a poor seal, it would cause leakage which would lower the effectiveness of the respirator.
  • The worldwide supply of the N95 respirators is currently limited. Hence, it is crucial that first responders and healthcare workers access them.


To protect yourself against Covid-19, it is important that take extra precautions instead of just wearing a disposable medical mask. You should practice social distancing as much as possible and wash your hands frequently using soap and water.