Can You Hire a Divorce Lawyer with No Money?

When going through a divorce, it’s essential to seek help from reliable and experienced divorce lawyers like MM Law. While it’s commonly believed that hiring a divorce lawyer will cost an extremely high amount of money, that’s not always the case. Considering the fact that divorce is a difficult time, not only emotionally for those involved but financially as well, it can come as a surprise to hear that there are many qualified lawyers who offer their services pro bono – meaning free of charge.

There are various reasons why someone can charge less or much more than another professional would, but the primary focus when seeking a divorce lawyer Townsville should always be on the needs and requirements of those seeking legal advice and, in this instance, getting divorced.

What if you have little to no income?

If being unable to pay for any sort of service whatsoever is your current financial state, then filing for a divorce may not be high on your list of priorities at this time; however, this does not mean that you should not at least consider the idea of hiring a pro bono divorce lawyer in Canada.

Instead of completely dismissing the thought, why not investigate what services are available? A quick online search will provide any number of potential options. With the help of pro bono divorce lawyers easy to use websites, it is simpler than ever to submit an initial inquiry form.

The best thing about utilizing free services is that you have nothing to lose. If they do not answer or refuse your request, then no harm has been done – on the other hand, however, if you get all the information and advice needed from a qualified professional, then suddenly your options may seem more achievable than before. When it comes to dealing with difficult times such as divorce, the last thing you want to do is go at it alone.

Benefits of Free divorce lawyers in Canada

  1. Investigate Your Options

Depending on the circumstances, it is possible that a pro bono lawyer may not be in your best interest; however, this does not mean that you should not at least investigate what is available, and in many cases, free is worth more than you think.

  1. Ask Friends & Family

Often times when we need help the most, we tend to push away those who want to provide assistance; instead of asking close friends and family for advice they can offer, perhaps take some time to speak with them and ask if they know anyone or any firm offering qualified divorce lawyers in Canada who work pro bono.

  1. Legal Aid Services

Local legal aid offices are often the first place people turn to for help, even if they have no issue with finances; however, what is not known in most cases is that legal aid offices are staffed with qualified lawyers.

Legal aid services usually only cover the very basics of the law when dealing with divorce and other areas in which you may require assistance. They can help point you in the right direction.

Resources available to find free divorce lawyers

  1. Pro Bono Law Canada: “Pro Bono Law Canada (PLC) facilitates access to justice for low-income individuals or those otherwise disadvantaged by connecting them with volunteer lawyers.” This site will allow you to search through lists of qualified and experienced professionals in your area who practice divorce law within Canada.
  2. Google Search: Like most things these days, the quickest way to find reliable information regarding divorce law in Canada is via an online search engine such as Google; type in the words ‘divorce lawyer’ followed by your city or province, and you will receive a list of results to choose from.
  3. Lawyer Referral Services: If all else fails, some law firms have lawyer referral services in which they refer clients to other lawyers in the area who may be able to assist with what you require; while this is not free, it does provide another option for finding a divorce attorney in Canada.


Whether you choose to immediately hire a pro bono divorce lawyer in Canada or not, getting information and advice from experts before making any decisions can only help and open your eyes to new and ever-evolving options. Use the time you have now to consider all possibilities and potential outcomes so that when action is required, you’ll be making the best decision for you and your family’s future.