Employer seal and how to attract employees as an employer

The acute shortage of skilled workers is a challenge for companies that should not be underestimated. In order to be able to hire the best qualified employees in the future, it is therefore necessary to leave the competition behind.

An employer seal is a great help in this context. But what is actually behind it in detail and how can you profit from it? The following article clarifies.

Employer seal – what is it all about?

An employer seal is basically an award for companies – i.e. for employers.

Nowadays, consumers are confronted with numerous seals of approval in their everyday lives, for example when shopping at the supermarket or on the Internet. Such awards provide valuable orientation for customers, enabling them to better assess the service or product in question.

The employer seal has the same background. Potential employees can recognize from this that the company is a recommendable employer. This reduces the risk for applicants of being hired by an employer that treats its employees badly and has a negative working atmosphere. If, in the course of their search for a new job, applicants come across a company that bears an employer seal, however, they can send off their application with a clear conscience.

If a company can show that it has been awarded the Top Employers seal, this indicates that it treats its employees with respect, offers fair compensation and provides a healthy working environment. Companies therefore benefit from the seal in that they appear extremely attractive to applicants at first glance and stand out from their competitors.

How companies benefit from the employer seal

So there are many good arguments for having an employer seal of approval.

For example, the demands of potential employees have risen over the past few years. They often have an extremely large selection of different companies to choose from for a possible application. However, companies that have been awarded an employer seal stand out from their competitors. As a result, their chances of attracting the best potential employees are much higher. In the long term, of course, this also has an impact on the general success of the company.

In contrast, companies without a corresponding award generally receive far fewer applications. These reduce the selection of potential new employees. In addition, the candidates who apply rarely fully meet the companies’ expectations.

A certification as a top employer also clearly shows everyone that the company attaches great importance to good and fair treatment of employees and a pleasant working atmosphere. Positive attention can thus be achieved solely through the employer seal, without the need for additional advertising measures.

It is also important to note that an employer seal is only awarded by the independent testing authorities if the company meets the relevant requirements. This also benefits existing employees, who can rest assured that their employer is always concerned about fair treatment of the workforce and about ensuring a variety of future development opportunities.

The individual teams therefore work in a pleasant and positive working atmosphere, which significantly increases their productivity.

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