How Essay Writers Overcome Laziness

Hello, I am a lazy essay writer, and here is the way I’ve found to deal with this problem. Check the post and try it if you need.

How Essay Writers Overcome Laziness

A person sitting on a sofa all day long seems dull and miserable. Don’t you think so? Yes, it’s true… Unless this person is not you.

Laziness is very widespread in the modern society. Agree, we won’t die of hunger, cold, or a savage animal’s attack if we move less.

I’ve caught myself on being too lazy, and many of my familiar essay writers online advised me to write an article on the topic. They said it will give me the required knowledge of to overcome my laziness attacks. Let’s check this together.

According to some definitions, laziness is the lack or absence of diligence, when a person prefers having free time over doing some more work. Laziness has its reasons, but I decided not to review them, as they are not that important here. As always, all problems take roots from our way of thinking. That is what I recommend working on.

Laziness doesn’t come from nothing. So, to get rid of it, we have to fix numerous issues. Let’s check what may cause our shiftlessness and how to fight it.


1. Overcome Your Inertia

Inertia is a tendency to do nothing or remain stagnant. It implies the state of laziness and lack of interest. Simply put, it’s just when you do not want to put any efforts and move forward.

Once we get trapped by inertia, we instantly feel the lack of energy, inspiration and motivation. That is the state of mind, when instant satisfaction dominates the striving for all future rewards.

It is normal to support inertia for some time. This is a way to rest. But when such periods tend to last for too long, then we face the problem. Such activities turn into habits which are very hard to break.

To overcome inertia, you can use short-term and long-term methods.

Short-term methods are useful for immediate activation of your organism. They will suit those people who want to find a fast method, a magic pill working here and now. It has something in common with pressing the Reset button. In this case, your body and mind get reloaded to bring you back to the active lifestyle.

Here are several ways to reload your body and mind quickly:

  • Wash your face with cold water.
  • Do some breathing exercises.
  • Do some push-ups.
  • Move lively for some time.
  • Listen to optimistic and inspiring music for several minutes.
  • Read an inspiring quote or passage.

Do something to push yourself to action and get rid of inertia. You can use a single method or combine some of them to “reload” your biological system and rhythms.

Now, let’s check long-term motivational instruments. They will change your thinking gradually. Here are some of them:

  • Write down your goals every day.
  • Create a “vision board” which will display your goals. Add new ones often.
  • Visualize: imagine who you want to become and what you want to achieve. This will let you stay cheerful and lively.
  • Read motivational and inspiring books, opt for biographies of strong people you admire.

Writing down your goals is helpful because it reminds you about important things, increasing your concentration at the same time.

The “vision board” will provide you with motivation and inspiration for a very long time. It will remind you of what you are working for. And when you refresh it, your mind gets refreshed too.

Visualization is an excellent way to prepare your mind for future changes. But it is not enough to dream only. You need to master new skills, form new good habits, create new system of beliefs, and rethink your values.

Finally, inspirational books and biographies will tell you what is needed to achieve success and big goals. Take real life stories of other people as examples to charge yourself with a serious enthusiasm.


2. Avoid Hidden Laziness Traps

Laziness is crafty. It will cheat you, resist with all its might, and take different shapes.

Analyze one of your regular goals. Remind yourself when your energy overwhelms you and when you feel tired. We all experience different energy cycles, that’s normal. But they are often the consequences of:

  • what, when and how we eat,
  • how active we are at work,
  • the way we take rest and its duration,
  • how often you feel stressed,
  • our attitude to stressful situations and behavior.

Your energy level is most likely to decrease:

  • after you have a meal, especially if it contains lots of calories,
  • if you sit too long,
  • if your afternoon nap lasts for more than an hour,
  • if you don’t do mental breaks (no meditation or “silence minutes”).

This is the nature of the human organism, and it can’t be change. You will feel the rise and fall of your energy. As it has been mentioned already, the problem arises when you remain inert for too long.

To avoid laziness and inertia during your working hours, follow these rules:

  • Don’t eat “heavy” food.
  • Remain active while taking regular breaks. Just stand up and do a 60-second warmup or take a short walk.
  • If you decide to have a nap, it should take you nearly 15-20 minutes.
  • Listen to music, meditate, or read a book.
  • Distinguish stress and take measures to reduce it.

Remember that you are going to feel inert every time you lack energy. So, don’t stay with that for too long. Don’t go listen to office gossips, don’t waste your time on senseless net surfing, don’t watch bad news. Divide your life into two modes: high performance and rest.


3. Set up a Laziness Period

Sometimes you want to be lazy so much that it is impossible to resist the desire. You may get nervous, and stress may occupy your whole body.

In such case, come up with an agreement with yourself: make a five-minute break for laziness, and don’t do a thing during that time. Still, it is very important to set a timer, so make sure you launch it.


  • I will be lazy for 5 minutes after this moment.
  • I’ll surely get back to work in 5 minutes.

4. Take Junk Away of Your Life

If your life is filled with too much junk, a fake belief might appear and tell you that you need nothing more. If this happens, think about what part of your private or professional life requires some good cleaning. Here are two questions you can ask yourself:

  • What part of my professional life prevents me from doing my job? Where should I do the cleaning?
  • What causes chaos in my house? What must I get rid of first of all?

Do such cleaning regularly, otherwise junk will start taking your energy away. And then, laziness will come.

I hope this article will be helpful to people who have the same laziness troubles I do.

Let’s get rid of inertia and start making our lives better together!

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