Hairloss and how to prevent it

Urheber : Pongsak Tawansaeng

Hair loss does not stop at men or women. And children and young people can also be affected by hair loss. However, different types of hair loss must be taken into account.

As unfair as it may seem, twice as many men are affected by hair loss as women. 40 percent of all men suffer from hair loss. Hair loss is very common, especially in men, and is hereditary. However, there are numerous other factors that can lead to hair loss, such as

  • Stress
  • Poor eating habits
  • Chemotherapy
  • Use of incompatible care products such as shampoos and conditioners
  • Use of hair dyes, hair tints, hair spray and hair gel
  • Mental stress
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Iron deficiency
  • Infections

The hair loss can be so severe that it leads to baldness. About 20 percent of all women also suffer from hair loss. In women, hereditary conditions are often responsible for hair loss, but hormonal fluctuations, stress and psychological strain might also be responsible.

If you suffer from hair loss, it is most understandable, that you want to do something about it. Full hair not only looks great, but also is a testament to good and solid health. Luckily there are solid resources on combating hair loss on the internet. This blog gives you an overview on the causes and tips for first aid.

Genetic hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss

In more than 90 percent of all cases, hair loss is genetically determined. Those affected can suffer greatly from it, especially women. But also men are often smiled at and patronised when complaining about their hair thinning.

Many people see genetically caused hair loss as something completely normal, and yet most people for full hair. Nowadays, in addition to good hair care products, there are methods to reduce or stop hair loss. In many cases the hair even grows back again.

Why is full hair so important for so many people?

Today, appearance plays an increasingly important role. Good-looking people enjoy certain advantages in many situations in life. They have a statistically better chance of finding a partner, better chances when applying for a job. Overall, they are perceived as more successful and therefore are better received by other people – from which good looking people profit. People who have full hair look more vital, younger and healthier, even at an advanced age.

Balding has a negative effect on the psyche of many people. Those who are sad, smile less or not at all. Perhaps the forehead is wrinkled from worry about hair loss. The overall complexion suffers and someone may look even older. The more they perceive their balding as a problem, the more they suffer from it. It’s a vicious circle of a physical issue, that takes a toll on someone’s self-consciousness. For people who cannot or will not escape that cycle, there are some modern solutions to help them regain a feeling of self-worth.

It must be stressed though, that self-consciousness and determination is a result of someone’s inner feeling of self-worth. The inherent problem of not looking a certain way is more a problem of the longing of living up to someone else’s expectation. Replacing lost hair or other medical procedures to look a certain way will only affect symptoms of an underlying problem, not the problem itself.

Older people suffer more often from hair loss

Hair loss can basically occur at any age. Even children can be affected. Certain risk factors can promote hair loss. For example, with increasing age, it is more likely that the hair will fall out due to hormonal changes. However, hereditary hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is still the most common cause of hair loss. About seven out of ten men suffer from this type of hair loss during their lifetime.

Women can also suffer from androgenetic alopecia. However, it usually only occurs in women at an advanced age. Four out of ten women are affected by hereditary hair loss.

One to two percent of all people suffer from the so-called alopecia areata during their lifetime. This is circular hair loss. Women are sometimes affected by this type of hair loss during pregnancy or difficult emotional situations. Circular hair loss affects men and women in equal proportions. The so-called diffuse hair loss occurs very rarely. On our website you can find detailed information about the different types of hair loss.

When do we talk about hair loss?

It is perfectly normal to find hair in the shower or brush after washing or combing your hair. This is not unusual. If you have long hair, you may even find whole clumps in the drain, even though you don’t have any hair loss at all.

If you comb your hair only once a day, you will find more hair in your brush than someone who combs his hair several times a day. After all, you will lose hair from time to time during the day. If the loose hairs are brushed out with the brush only once a day, it looks like there are significantly more hairs than there actually are. If you brush your hair several times a day, you will notice that you will only find a few hairs in the brush.

It is similar when washing your hair. If you only wash your hair once a week, you will lose more hair that day than someone who washes their hair daily. After all, someone who washes their hair more often will only lose a few hairs at a time, while you will lose all of them at once. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about.

What helps against hair loss?

Many people lose more hair in winter and summer. In winter, the scalp often suffers from the dry heating air. It becomes dry and begins to itch. Scratching loosens hair and causes it to fall out. Furthermore, frequent scratching can lead to inflammation of the scalp. These in turn can promote fungal diseases and thus hair loss.

In summer, the sun can damage the hair. But also chlorine in swimming pools or salt water can damage the hair. There are many reasons for hair loss. But you can do a lot to improve your hair structure.

Avoid hair colouring and hair tinting. These often consist of a chemical cocktail that damages the hair and also the scalp. Very aggressive to the hair and scalp are, for example, blondes. Frequent hair dyeing and blonding causes the hair to break. They tend to split ends, become thinner and fall out.

If you already suffer from thin hair anyway, you should refrain from so-called backcombing. This involves combing the hair with jerky movements in the opposite direction to the direction of growth. To make the hairstyle hold better, the hair is then fixed with hair spray. Hairspray, like many other care products, contains ingredients that are not so good for the scalp. Care products containing silicones settle on the scalp, so that the natural sebum, which supplies the hair with important nutrients and fats, can no longer work properly.

However, a healthy lifestyle, with a healthy and nutritious diet, is equally important. Eat lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts and cereals such as oatmeal. Valuable oils such as linseed oil can help to improve your hair growth. You could also consider no-risk treatments like platelet rich proteins offered by some skin clinics such as Hair and Skin Science in Sydney, in which proteins from the blood are used to promote hair growth and prevent loss.