How Much Does it Cost to Switch to Solar in Canada?

Solar power is an increasingly popular choice for homeowners in Canada. As the world continues to leap into the future, solar energy is becoming more prevalent. With going green on the rise, switching to solar power has never been a better time to switch. Consider these factors when deciding how much you’ll need to spend when coming into the solar world.

What Are the Costs Associated with Switching to Solar?

Switching to solar power can be a good investment, but it’s important to take the time to research all costs before making your move. When considering switching to solar, you’ll want to account for the initial costs associated with solar.

The first financial commitment you’ll make will be on the upfront cost of a solar system. This includes everything from installation fees, maintenance fees, and tax rebates. The upfront costs of a solar system vary depending on what type of system you opt for and how large it is. For example, commercial systems range in size from one-to-five kilowatts (kW) while residential systems vary in size from six kWs up to 20 kWs in size.

Types of Solar Panel Systems

The type of solar panel system you decide to go with will have a huge effect on how much it will cost you to switch to solar. Newer solar panel systems are more efficient and therefore don’t need as much space or equipment, which can make switching a lot cheaper.

Other factors that will affect the costs include the size of your solar panels and the type of roofing you have. Suppose you have particularly expensive panels, like copper or silicon. In that case, you can expect to pay more upfront for your system than if you were to go with high efficiency mono-crystalline panels. You want to find a middle ground where the panels won’t cost too much but also aren’t too inefficient financially speaking.

The Solar Panel Installation Company to Hire

A solar panel installer will be responsible for planning out the project and installing your solar panels. The cost of the installation company you hire to install your solar panels will add to the cost of switching to solar. It’s a good idea to shop around and find a company that has a solid reputation.

In this case, it might not be worth spending money on high efficiency solar panels as they generally cost more than their less efficient counterparts, but it’s up to you.

On average, an installation crew can install a 6 kWs system in one day, but it all depends on the size of your home and how much there is to do during installation.

The Cost of the Solar Panels

The next thing to consider is how much you’ll be spending on your solar panels. As mentioned earlier, there are a variety of different types and sizes of solar panels out there; however, the general costs of solar panel systems are as follows:

Solar panels can be adjusted in size to suit your energy needs. There are two common sizes for residential solar panel systems: 4-kWs or 6-kWs. 4 kWs is more commonly used for homes with a little more space, while 6 kWs is suited for houses with less space such as apartments. Of course, these aren’t the only options available; other sizes between 3 kWs and 10 kW’s exist. The size of the solar panels you go with will affect the payment you’ll make at the end of your contract. Larger panels are generally cheaper to deploy, but they have a tendency to cost more up front.

Power Output

While using solar energy is better than using fossil fuels, it still isn’t as efficient as fossil fuels when it comes to generating electricity. When comparing power generation between solar and fossil fuels, only about 10% of the energy that comes from coal or gas is converted into electricity Conversely, only 0.5% of the energy that comes from solar is converted into electricity. In addition to this, solar panels can take anything from 14 – 25 years before they start turning a profit for homeowners.

Solar power is an increasingly popular choice for homeowners in Canada. As the world continues to leap into the future, solar energy is becoming more and more prevalent. With going green on the rise, switching to solar power has never been a better time to switch. Weigh your options before making this decision and then realize that solar can be a good choice for you!