How Technology Is Helping in Improving Safety

Technology has a major impact on our day to day lives. Modern advancements have provided substantial benefits that have enabled even the smallest enterprises to compete on a global scale. Surveillance systems offered by Essex CCTV installation can help you in securing your home or business. Read on to know why security is important and how technology is making it simple.

Importance of security

Security is a top priority in the world today as it safeguards the valuable information, assets and people from any kind of damage, theft or loss. A survey conducted by Small Biz Trends found that 5% retention of the customers can improve the profit margin of the organization ranging from 25% to 95%. A secure environment improves the efficiency of the company, which has a direct impact on customer satisfaction and customer retention.

Violent crime recorded by police has risen by 19% in a year in England and Wales. In recent years, there has also been an increase in stalking and harassment offences recorded by police. Hence, advanced security solutions are very important in today’s world. Over 31% of burglars will withdraw from home in case they go over a security framework. This means that a home security system is very important and it will act as a major deterrent to crime.

Role of tech

“Resident security technology is improving at an astonishing rate as we, see service providers looking for more advanced ways to offer a safe environment converge with manufacturer’s increased interest in the senior living marketplace,” says James Jansen, Product Manager for Direct Supply. “Technology that was only within reach of major institutions is now available for the senior living space.”

By shifting cloud computing functions closer to the user, multi-access edge computing (MEC) has emerged as a new way of operating the cloud. The 5G and MEC technologies are very important in the public safety realm,   as respondents require seamless communication and instant feedback. These technologies offer real-time analytics, video surveillance and facial recognition. By using AI, MEC allows for real-time responses to safety issues at the scene.

Many crimes such as domestic abuse cases or stalking aren’t clear danger until it’s too late to call for police assistance. Smartphone apps can help first respondents target locations and connect with users who can’t ask for help.

IoT sensors monitor worker’s safety and stress

For those working in unsafe environments, wearable tech can notify the users about the unsafe behaviour that put workers at risk. In 2017, Parsons Corp began using a radio-frequency identification fob attached to the hard hats of its workers to keep an eye on the worker-machine interactions. This has helped the firm in measuring how close workers were getting to the machine and create safety guidelines based on the obtained data.

North Bluescope steel is working with IBM to develop wearable safety technology that helps employees stay safer in dangerous environments. By gathering data from sensors embedded in helmets and wrist bands, the technology provides-real time alerts to employees and their managers.