How To Adjust A Garage Door: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re having trouble with your garage door in Austin, TX, it’s essential to know how to adjust it properly. A misaligned garage door can not only be frustrating but also potentially dangerous. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to adjust a garage door, ensuring it operates smoothly and safely & will also recommend you a professional garage door repair Austin company.

Why Adjusting Your Garage Door Is Important

Your garage door plays a crucial role in the security and functionality of your home. If it’s not properly adjusted, several issues can arise, including:

  1. Safety Concerns: A misaligned garage door can pose safety hazards, especially if it doesn’t close or open smoothly.
  2. Increased Energy Bills: An improperly adjusted door may not seal properly, leading to energy wastage through drafts.
  3. Reduced Lifespan: Regular adjustments can extend the lifespan of your garage door and its components.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adjusting Your Garage Door

Adjusting your garage door doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow these simple steps:

Table: Common Garage Door Problems and Solutions

Problem Solution
Uneven Closing Adjust the limit switch
Noisy Operation Lubricate hinges and rollers
Slow Opening/Closing Check the springs and cables
Crooked Alignment Adjust the track alignment
Weatherstripping Damage Replace or repair weatherstripping

1. Checking the Balance

The first step in adjusting your garage door is to check its balance. An unbalanced garage door can cause various issues and even pose safety risks. Follow these steps to determine if your door is balanced:

  • Disconnect the Garage Door Opener: To ensure safety, start by disconnecting the garage door opener. You don’t want any unexpected movements while working on your door.
  • Manually Open the Door Halfway: Gently raise your garage door manually, stopping it halfway up. Release the door and observe what happens. If the door stays in place, you’re in luck – it’s well-balanced. However, if it starts to fall or rise on its own, it’s a clear sign of imbalance.

Balancing your garage door is crucial for its smooth operation and safety. Let’s move on to the next step.

2. Adjusting the Springs

Garage door springs play a vital role in supporting the weight of the door and assisting in its operation. If your door is unbalanced, the springs might need adjustment. Here’s how to do it:

  • Ensure the Door Is Fully Closed: Start by making sure your garage door is fully closed. This is essential for safely adjusting the springs.
  • Locate the Spring Adjustment Collar: Depending on your garage door’s type, you’ll find a spring adjustment collar on either side of the door’s horizontal tracks. It’s usually a set of screws or nuts.
  • Turn It a Quarter Turn at a Time: Using the appropriate tools, like a wrench or pliers, turn the adjustment collar a quarter turn at a time. After each adjustment, test the door’s balance as described in the first step. Continue making quarter-turn adjustments until the door remains balanced when stopped halfway.

Remember, adjusting garage door springs can be dangerous if not done correctly. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable doing it yourself, it’s always wise to seek professional assistance.

3. Lubricating Moving Parts

Proper lubrication of your garage door’s moving parts is crucial for smooth and quiet operation. Here’s how to do it:

  • Apply a Silicone-Based Lubricant: Select a silicone-based lubricant designed for garage doors. Apply it generously to the hinges, rollers, and springs. Lubricating these components will reduce friction, prevent wear and tear, and eliminate annoying squeaks and noises.

Regular lubrication will keep your garage door operating efficiently and prolong its lifespan.

4. Inspecting the Tracks

The tracks that guide your garage door’s movement must be in excellent condition and properly aligned. Here’s how to inspect and adjust them:

  • Check for Misalignment or Debris: Examine the tracks closely for any signs of misalignment or debris. Even a small obstruction or misalignment can affect your door’s operation.
  • Adjust the Track Alignment: If you notice any misalignment, use a wrench or pliers to gently adjust the track sections until they are perfectly aligned. Make sure to tighten any loose bolts or screws.

Maintaining well-aligned tracks is essential for preventing your garage door from going off track and causing damage.

5. Testing the Sensors

Modern garage doors come equipped with safety sensors that prevent accidents and injuries. Ensuring these sensors are working correctly is vital:

  • Make Sure the Safety Sensors Are Aligned: Locate the safety sensors, usually mounted near the floor on each side of the garage door. Check if they are properly aligned and facing each other. If they’re misaligned, adjust their position until they are aligned precisely.
  • Test Their Functionality: Test the sensors by obstructing their line of sight while the door is closing. The door should reverse immediately when an obstruction is detected.

Properly functioning safety sensors are crucial for the safety of your family and pets.

6. Weatherstripping Maintenance

The weatherstripping on your garage door helps seal gaps and keep out drafts, dust, and pests. Over time, weatherstripping can wear out or become damaged. Here’s how to maintain it:

  • Replace Damaged or Worn Weatherstripping: Inspect the weatherstripping around your garage door for any signs of damage, wear, or gaps. If you find any issues, it’s time to replace the weatherstripping. Simply remove the old weatherstripping and install new, properly fitting strips to ensure a tight seal.

By following these detailed steps, you can ensure that your garage door operates smoothly and safely, providing convenience and peace of mind for you and your family.

Professional Garage Door Repair in Austin, TX

While adjusting your garage door yourself is possible, some issues may require professional attention. If you encounter problems beyond your expertise, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with Genesis Garage Doors in Austin. Their team of experts specializes in garage door repair, installation, and maintenance. They’ll ensure your garage door is in top-notch condition, providing you with peace of mind and convenience.


Adjusting a garage door is a simple task that can improve its safety, efficiency, and longevity. Regular maintenance and addressing minor issues promptly can prevent costly repairs down the road. However, if you ever need professional assistance, Genesis Garage Doors in Austin is there to help. Contact them today to schedule an appointment, and they’ll take care of all your garage door needs.

Genesis Garage Door
(737) 707-9920
1 Gabriels Bluff Dr, Georgetown, TX 78626 Top of Form

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