How To Spot And Avoid Relationship Killers?

Relationships can become one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but only if they are healthy and happy. However, this is not always easy to achieve and sometimes things can go wrong, which may lead to a breakup or divorce. In this post, we will discuss ten examples of relationship killers and how to avoid them.

1. Lack Of Communication

This is one of the biggest problems in any relationship. If you’re not communicating with your partner, then you’re essentially living in two different worlds. The best way to solve this problem is by sitting down and talking openly about your feelings and concerns. If there’s one thing that will kill a relationship, it’s a lack of communication. If you and your partner don’t communicate well, then the relationship is doomed to fail.

How to avoid it. Websites like go into detail on how you can save yourself a tremendous amount of heartache by just following some simple rules that will help you and guide you through the rest of your life.

Talk openly and honestly with your partner. Communicate your feelings, concerns, and needs. Make sure you listen to what they have to say as well. If you can’t seem to resolve a disagreement, seek out professional help.

2. Fighting Constantly

Constant fighting will only lead to resentment and bitterness. It’s important to learn how to fight fair and to always apologize afterward. This will help to keep the peace and avoid damaging your relationship.

How to avoid it

Learn how to fight fair. Apologize afterward, and make up. Don’t let anger and resentment build up. If you can’t seem to resolve a disagreement, seek out professional help.

3. Lack Of Trust

If you don’t trust your partner, then the relationship is doomed to fail. This is because you will always be suspicious of their motives and you won’t be able to relax and enjoy yourself. The best way to rebuild trust is by being honest with each other, and proving that you can be trusted. If you don’t trust them, you will always be worried about what they’re doing and who they’re with. This will lead to a lot of tension and arguments.

How to avoid it

Trust your partner. Give them the benefit of the doubt. If you have doubts, talk to them about them in a calm and rational way. Don’t accuse them of anything without proof.

4. Cheating

Cheating is one of the worst things you can do to your partner. It destroys all trust and respect that has been built up between you. If you’re thinking about cheating, then stop and think about how it will affect your partner.

How to avoid it

The best way to avoid cheating is by keeping your relationship strong and fulfilling. Just trust your partner and be faithful. If you have doubts, talk to them about them in a calm and rational way.

5. Lack Of Commitment

If one person in the relationship is not committed, it will eventually fall apart. This is because one person will be pulling in one direction, while the other person is going in another. The best way to avoid this problem is by making a commitment to your partner and agreeing to work through any problems that may arise.

How to avoid it

Make a commitment to your partner and agree to work through any problems that may arise. Be loyal and faithful. Don’t pull in different directions.

6. Having Different Interests

It’s normal for partners to have different interests, but if those interests start to come between you, then it can be a problem.

How to avoid it

Try to find common ground and compromise on things whenever possible.

7. Lack Of Support

If your partner isn’t there to support you during difficult times, then the relationship is not going to last. It’s important to have someone who will be there for you no matter what.

How to avoid it

Make sure to show support to your partner during difficult times. Don’t hesitate to offer help. Have faith that they will be there for you as well when you need them the most.

8. Jealousy And Insecurity

Jealousy and insecurity are two of the biggest relationship killers. If you can’t trust your partner, or if you’re constantly accusing them of cheating, then the relationship is doomed.

If you can’t deal with your partner being around other people, then the relationship is not going to work. If you can’t trust your partner, then it will lead to a lot of problems. The best way to deal with jealousy is by communicating with your partner and discussing your concerns.

How to avoid it

Deal with your jealousy in a healthy way. Don’t try to control your partner or spy on them. Trust them and let them have their own life outside of the relationship. If you can’t do this, then the relationship is not going to work. Don’t let jealousy and insecurity tear your relationship apart.

9. Not Being Equals

If one partner is always taking the lead, while the other just follows, then the relationship is not going to last. It’s important to be equals and make decisions together.

If one person is always taking control, or if one partner is always doing all the work, then the relationship is not equal. This will lead to resentment and frustration on the part of the partner who is doing all the work. A relationship needs to be based on equality and fairness in order to succeed.

How to avoid it

Make sure that your relationship is based on equality and fairness. Don’t let one person take control, and make sure both partners are doing their share of the work.

10. Lack Of Intimacy

Intimacy is essential in any relationship. If you’re not physically or emotionally intimate with your partner, then the relationship will start to fall apart. The best way to avoid this is by being open and honest with each other, and by making time for intimacy. If you don’t have a physical connection with your partner, the relationship is not going to work. Intimacy is an important part of any relationship.

How to avoid it

Make time for each other. Spend time together and connect on a physical level. If you don’t have time for each other, then things will forever be difficult. Make some time for a special evening once a week, just the two of you. This will help to keep the intimacy alive.

11. Assuming Things

Assumptions can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and arguments. If you’re not careful, they can also lead to the end of your relationship.

How to avoid it

Always make sure to communicate with your partner, and to ask questions if you’re not sure about something.

12. Taken For Granted

This is the worst thing you can do to your partner. If you take them for granted, they will eventually feel unimportant and insignificant. This will lead to resentment and a breakdown in communication. If you start taking your partner for granted, then they will eventually leave you. Don’t take your partner for granted and always appreciate them. Show them how much you love and care for them, and they will never want to leave.

How to avoid it

Make sure you show your partner that you appreciate them. Tell them often how much you love and appreciate them. Do little things to make them feel special, like bringing home their favorite dessert or taking them on a weekend getaway.

13. Unrealistic Expectations

Don’t set yourself up for disappointment by expecting your partner to be perfect. No one is perfect, and if you expect your partner to meet all of your unrealistic expectations, you will only be setting yourself up for failure.

How to avoid it

Stop expecting your partner to be perfect. Accept them for who they are, flaws and all. If there are things you don’t like about them, talk to them about it in a constructive way. Don’t try to change them into someone they’re not.

14. Nagging

This is another surefire way to kill a relationship. Nagging will only make your partner resent you and will eventually lead to a breakup.

How to avoid it

If there’s something you want your partner to do, talk to them about it in a constructive way. Don’t nag them, and don’t try to force them into doing something they don’t want to do. Be understanding and patient.

15. Controlling Behavior

If you try to control your partner, they will eventually rebel and this will lead to a breakup. Controlling behavior is another surefire way to kill a relationship.

How to avoid it

Let your partner be. Don’t try to control them or tell them what to do. If you have concerns, talk to them about them in a constructive way. Don’t try to control their every move.

16. Gossiping

Gossiping about your partner is another way to kill the relationship. It will only make them feel bad about themselves and it will destroy trust between the two of you.

How to avoid it

Don’t gossip about your partner. It will only make them feel bad and will ruin the relationship. If you have a problem with your partner, talk to them about it in a constructive way. Don’t try to resolve your issues by gossiping with your friends.

17. Negative Attitudes

If either partner has a negative attitude, it will eventually wear down on the relationship. It’s important to be positive and upbeat, especially during tough times. A negative attitude will only lead to unhappiness and division.

How to avoid it

Be positive and upbeat whenever possible. Don’t let negativity take over your relationship. Be supportive of each other, especially during tough times.


To Conclude

If you can relate to any of these relationship killers, don’t worry – there are ways to avoid them. Talk to your partner openly and honestly and make sure that you listen to what they have to say as well. If you can’t seem to resolve a problem, seek professional help. A relationship therapist can help you to identify and resolve any issues that are causing problems in your relationship.

These are just some of the many things that can go wrong in a relationship. By being aware of these problems, and taking steps to avoid them, you will improve your chances of having a long and happy relationship. So try to avoid these relationship killers to ensure that your relationship is healthy and happy. If you are experiencing any of these problems frequently, then please seek help from a professional.