Network Security Devices you need to know about

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Because of the dramatic increase in cybercrime, it is becoming increasingly important to implement robust and dependable security measures. Every day, the world is bombarded with malware attacks, cyber fraud, notorious account hacking, and other forms of cybercrime.

Hackers modify their systems to bypass security barriers, just as technology improves day by day. Information technology has introduced a number of effective Network security devices that everyone should be aware of in order to reduce the rate of these cybercrimes on a regular basis. Looking at the increasing rate of cybercrime, many ISPs have started introducing built-in security to protect their users.

A very relevant example, in this case, would be Optimum whose intelligent network now has ingrained security that alerts you before visiting threatening sites to keep you and your private information safe. All at no extra cost to you.

Hence, keeping your personal information safe nowadays is very important and thus having adequate knowledge about network security devices is also equally significant. This post is for you if you are still unlettered about these network security devices. Scroll down to learn about the key characteristics and functions of these excellent cybersecurity shields for making your network more secure. Let us look at the different types of Network Security Devices.

  1. Firewall

Because it divides one network from another, firewall devices are one of the first lines of defense in a network. Firewalls can be freestanding or integrated into other infrastructure devices like routers and servers. Firewall solutions are accessible in both hardware and software formats; some firewalls are offered as appliances that function as the principal network separation device.

Firewalls keep undesired network traffic out of a company’s systems. The firewall may fully block some or all traffic, or it may verify some or all traffic, depending on the organization’s firewall policy.

  • SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection)

Dynamic Packet Filtering (DPF) is the term for this form of firewall. This is based on data encryption principles that are applied from beginning to end. It examines every data package that enters your network, compares it to a trustworthy information source, and then lets it pass.

  • Packet Filtering

It is a straightforward procedure for introducing bug-free data packets into your network system. It compares the data packet to previously remembered data such as the port number, IP address, and packet type.

  • Proxy System Firewalls (Application-Level Gateway)

This sort of firewall provides the most secure security protections. At the application layer, it sorts out the faulty data components. It protects your IP addresses and successfully keeps your network traffic to a minimum.

  1. Intrusion detection system

An alarm can be used to describe an intrusion detection system. It operates by customizing data packets and alerting you to potential future security issues.

During the data transmission cycle, it rapidly analyses, detects and notifies suspicious activities. This cybersecurity technology takes a proactive strategy to protect your networks from the evil eyes of hackers. It comes in a variety of forms for detecting malicious flaws.

  • Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)

This sort of IDS is installed at the network’s entry point to monitor and regulate inbound and outgoing traffic. It effectively analyses two-way data and alerts about network dangers.

  • Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS)

HIDS detects all devices connected to your system via a local or internet connection. It operates at the network layer to detect malicious network packages transmitted over an internal or internet connection.

  • Signature-based Intrusion Detection System (SIDS)

A structured database of signature threats and hacker attacks makes up this sort of IDS. It compares all of the data packets to the signature threats.

  • Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection System (AIDS) 

The network layer is also covered by this IDS. It configures current network traffic and compares it to predefined network security standards. It will notify you if it finds a virus.

  1. Anti-virus

It is the most widely used virus detection software. It thoroughly scans your system for bugs, detects the presence of a virus or bug, and eliminates it.

It ensures that you operate in a safe and secure environment. When visiting the internet or sharing files over a network connection, the software is required. It protects your system’s traffic from unwelcome bugs that could cause serious damage.

  1. Network Access Control

This network security system enforces preventive policies and restricts access to the network for unauthorized devices and users. This cybersecurity equipment is especially useful for large businesses.

It enables network visibility as well as the necessary administration for network access. It also enforces policy enforcement for users or devices on the corporate network. You can use this network security device to assure network security across various devices and users.


  1. Proxy server

Client software requests resources from other servers and proxy servers operate as mediators. When a client connects to the proxy server and requests a service (for example, a website), the proxy server reviews the request and decides whether to allow or deny it. The majority of proxy servers work as forwarding proxies, retrieving data on behalf of the clients they serve.

The term “open” proxy server refers to a proxy server that can be accessed by any user on the internet. The reverse proxy, sometimes known as a “surrogate,” is a version. This is an internal-facing server that serves as a front-end for controlling (and protecting) access to a private network server.

For activities such as load balancing, authentication, decryption, and caching, the reverse scenario is used: replies from the proxy server are delivered as if they came directly from the original server, thus the client is unaware of the originating servers. Reverse proxy servers are similar to web application firewalls.


Wrapping up

We all know that network security devices are as essential as bread. Hackers are so skilled that they can break into even the most complex systems in a matter of seconds. Knowing about these network security devices allows you to take precautions before a loss occurs.