Sleep Time Counting: Best Time To Sleep And Wake Up

The importance of sleep cannot be stressed enough because this is the period when your body rests and regenerates itself. Getting enough sleep can help you with productivity, muscle soreness (if you are in the process of getting fitter), and the overall health of your skin. Plus, you will feel more energized!

But if you think that hitting those suggested seven hours of sleep each night will make you feel refreshed when you wake up, you might be wrong. Some studies indicate that you need to listen to your own body and have a specific schedule that will help you find the best time to sleep and wake up. So if you want to improve the quality of your sleep, here is what you need to do.


The science of sleep time

We are all unique and our bodies have different needs. So some of us will feel ready to tackle any task even if they slept for six hours the previous night. According to Adam Bown, the author of Mattresses Guide, adults between 18-60 years need to sleep at least seven hours a day. However, there are general guidelines that can help you determine how much sleep you need. And these numbers depend on your age group.

The younger you are, the more sleep you need. For instance, infants require fourteen to seventeen hours of sleep every night. As you grow older, that number shrinks. So, a teenager will need from eight to ten hours of sleep, while adults should feel rested with seven to nine hours of sleep, according to Healthline.


The best time for sleep

So by these calculations, a person might assume that they can go to bed at 03:00 AM and wake up refreshed at 11:00 AM. However, things are a bit more complicated than that. According to the online magazine Byrdie, your genetics play a key role when it comes to the best time to sleep and wake up.

But some guidelines that can help you figure this out. For instance, going to bed earlier will make you feel more rested and focused on the day ahead of you. You also need to create a habit of falling asleep at the same time every night, which will help your body adapt to the new schedule.

However, some of us might find going to bed earlier very difficult. So creating a good nightly routine will make this transition easier. If you can’t imagine going to sleep before 01:00 AM, the first thing you should do is decrease caffeine consumption. Caffeine is a stimulant, and it will keep you awake longer than necessary. So avoid drinking coffee in the evenings.

Secondly, forget about your laptop for at least an hour before bedtime. Staring at a bright display while you are laying in bed can be harmful to the overall quality of your sleep. Read a book instead, or do some calming yoga stretches. And finally, try taking a long and relaxing bath right before you jump into your pajamas. You can use lavender-scented bath salts that will help you wind down.


Simple aids that can assist you

If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and you don’t know how to figure out the best time to sleep and wake up, there is a sleep calculator that can tell you when to go to bed. The equation is very simple, and it will help your body adjust to the changes you will be making in your life.

If done correctly, you can forget about the alarm clock because you will be able to wake up at the same time every morning. Start with the hour you need to wake up. Then, go back for seven and a half hours. Also, add an extra fifteen minutes you will need to fall asleep. The sleep calculator will do wonders for both your body and mind because you will improve your sleep cycle.


The final word

Taking control of your sleep cycle is quite easy, but it takes time and determination. So if you notice that you feel tired and sleepy in the middle of the day, it might be time to change your sleeping habits. Determining the best time to sleep and wake up depends on you and how much rest you need each night. For an average adult person, that number is between seven and nine hours.

Always be mindful of the exact time you go to bed. Also, keep in mind that small things such as caffeine and constant usage of electronics which can influence your sleep quality. So, create a routine that will fit your lifestyle, calculate the time you need to spend in bed for the optimal rest, and you will see a huge difference right away.

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