Struggles Facing College Students and How the Government and Other Organizations Can Help


If you know some college students, chances are they’re struggling in one way or another. Whether it’s finding enough money to pay for tuition, dealing with mental health issues, or simply trying to find a job after graduation, the stresses of college can be overwhelming. Thankfully, there are organizations and programs out there designed to help ease the burden. Here are some of the most common struggles faced by college students and how the government and other organizations can help.


Mental health issues

The struggle:

A recent survey shows nearly one in five college students suffer from mental illness. This statistic is particularly alarming given the numerous stresses that students face daily. Many college students report feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to succeed academically, socially, and professionally. These factors can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

The help:

Thankfully, several resources are available to college students struggling with mental health issues. Counseling services, support groups, and online forums can provide valuable support and advice. In addition, many colleges now offer courses on stress management and positive psychology.


Financial stressors

The struggle:

Financial stress is one of the leading causes of anxiety and depression among college students. While there are many reasons for this increase in financial stress, one of the biggest is the lack of accessible resources. Many students don’t know where to turn for help when struggling to make ends meet. As a result, they often take on excessive debt or make poor financial decisions that can have long-term consequences. The students that do get through this have to work incredibly hard while they study. They take on jobs such as tutoring or part-time work, which can greatly increase their stress levels.

The help:

The good news is that many organizations and resources are available to help college students manage their finances. By taking advantage of these resources, students can reduce their stress levels and set themselves up for success during and after college. Additionally, for students working while studying, there are flexible programs that help them manage their workload and financial situation. There are also various tips they can read about to help them better handle working while studying.


Lack of jobs after graduation

The struggle:

With an increasing number of college students earning degrees, the job market is becoming more and more competitive. In fact, statistics show that only about half of recent graduates have a full-time job to show for their education. And even those who do find jobs often face low salaries and poor working conditions. Not surprisingly, this trend has led to significant stress and anxiety among recent graduates. Many fear that their degrees won’t be enough to secure them a job, and they worry about how they will pay off their student loans without a steady income.

The help:

Fortunately, several organizations are working to address this problem. By offering resources and support to recent graduates, these organizations are helping students find meaningful employment and manage their student debt. Whether it’s providing job training or offering financial advice, these groups play an important role in helping college students succeed both during and after graduation.


Food insecurity

The struggle:

Unfortunately, many college students still face the issue of food insecurity while they’re in school. Faced with the high cost of tuition and limited financial resources, some students are forced to skip meals or rely on outside support. The effects of food insecurity can be severe, causing problems like anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

The help:

Thankfully, many universities and organizations are taking steps to address this problem. By providing food pantries and meal subsidies for students, these groups are helping students overcome their struggles with food insecurity. Additionally, some colleges are now offering courses on nutrition and healthy eating habits, which can be especially beneficial for students struggling to balance their studies with a busy schedule.



The struggle:

Sadly, many students also face the issue of homelessness while they’re in college. According to recent research, nearly 40% of college students have experienced housing insecurity or homelessness at some point during their education. This can devastate a student’s physical and mental health, leading to stress, anxiety, and even substance abuse.

The help:

Fortunately, many organizations are working to address the issue of student homelessness. By providing access to affordable housing and resources for financial aid, these groups are helping students overcome their struggles and succeed in college. These groups play an important role in helping college students succeed. At the end of the day, it’s clear that there are many challenges facing today’s college students. But with the help and support of organizations like these, there is hope for a brighter future.


Overall, college students face many struggles today, including mental health issues, financial stress, job insecurity, food insecurity, and homelessness. However, by taking advantage of the resources available on campus and in the community, students can overcome these challenges and succeed both during and after college.