The Ultimate Guide to a Minimalist Lifestyle

Are you tired of the same lifestyle? Do you want to bring about a change to your everyday life? Then, this guide to minimalist living is just what you need to read. Minimalism has become all the rage. Just about everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. However, it is not that easy for one to join the club. There are certain things that need to be taken seriously if you want to become a minimalist. But, there is no need to worry as we have got you covered. Make sure to check out 파워볼사이트 before you proceed.

Just like any lifestyle change, there are three types of people that are interested in bringing about a change in their lives. The first ones are those that are not interested in putting the effort. The second ones are interested, but do not know where to start. Finally, there are those of actively search for ways to make their lives easier. If you are reading this post, chances are that you fall into the third category since you are reading up on minimalist lifestyle. However, even if you do not think that you in the third category, it should not restrict you from changing your life.

When it comes to anything in life, time is crucial. You might feel like things are going slowly at first. But, with time, everything will fall into place and you will step into the minimalist lifestyle. It takes time for one to get everything sorted and that is fine. There is no need for you to bring yourself down or feel about not doing things earlier. The single-most important ingredient to a minimalist lifestyle if forgiveness and acceptance. There are no strict rules that need to be adhered to. However, this guide highlights the most vital things that you need to consider and change to accomplish your goals. Let’s take a look at what you need to do.

  1. Write Everything Down

The first thing that you need to do to live more simply is write a list of reasons why you would like to live such a lifestyle. It is essential that you think deeply and look within to find your reasons. We all have different reasons behind starting such a lifestyle. Hence, there is no need for you to copy what others have to say about why you should lead a minimalist living. You have your own reasons and you have to keep them in mind if you want to succeed. For instance, if you are sick and tired of debt collectors knocking on your day every time you pass your credit limit while on a shopping spree, you need to write it down. Let it be the reason that motivates you to change your lifestyle. Rather than looking at it from a perspective that is filled with guilt, it should remind me you about why you are interested in change.

On the other hand, if you hate the fact that you never get any free time with your kids, write it down on your list. Let it push you to cut down on social events and spend time at home. After all, family trumps everything. There is no reason for you to spend all your free time with colleagues and friends. Instead, you should look for ways to incorporate your kids into your schedule. It could be during your lunch break or while on a sick leave. Make the most of your options and cut down on unnecessary events.

Similarly, if you never seem to get enough sleep, stop going to happy hours and using dating apps like Tinder and Grindr all night long. Alternatively, you should sleep early. Let your friends know that you need to get your beauty sleep. You owe it to your body to get a full 7-9 hours of sleep. Write down that you are not getting enough sleep and want to make it a priority. It will allow you to find a reason to tell others that you simply cannot make it. These are just examples, there could be want others too such as hating your job or not being able to save enough to travel the world.

  1. Discard Duplicates

Go through your entire home and cover every corner while carrying a box. Now, what you need to do is fill it up with all the duplicates that you come across. Your home should not have any duplicates. If you have two weighing machines, put one of them in the box and give it away. Have two copies of your favorite book? Put in the box. There is no need to have any duplicates at home. Doubles should be discarded at the earliest. Once you finish filling up the box, leave it at a side so that if you come across any other duplicate item, you can toss it in the box. After you have waited a few days and there are no other duplicates at home, you can donate it to a charity or give the items away.

On the other hand, you can even make some money off of your items by selling them online on sites like eBay or Etsy. There are various sites that you can check out that will pay you for discarding items. There is no better feeling than getting rewarded financially for all your efforts. Getting rid of duplicates is integral to minimalist living.

  1. Create a Clutter-Free Home

Cluttered spaces give everyone a headache. There is no way around it. Hence, you need to make sure that your home is clutter-free. There is no need for you to store all that clutter under the kitchen table, countertop, kitchen table, or drawer. Instead, it should all be thrown out. Get rid of everything that you do not need. Cluttered spaces are known for increasing one’s blood pressure levels and stress. Thus, it makes no sense for you to have a cluttered home. Go through each room and ensure that it is clutter-free. Living in a clean and clutter-free environment is the best thing that one can possibly do. Now, if you find it difficult to get rid of the clutter in the entire house, you can start small by clearing out your bedroom. Then, you can proceed to the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and guest room. It is all about taking that first step.

Once you have a momentum, you will start to notice every type of clutter with minimal effort. It is the level that you need to achieve. Make it a habit to live with less. Clutter-free rooms allow you to relax and meditate. You will start to feel healthier and happier staying at home than before once you clear out everything. It will add purpose to your life which you will thank yourself for later. A clutter-free home is crucial for minimalist living.

  1. Travel As Lightly As Possible

Many of us tend to carry all of our belongings when we travel. However, as a minimalist, it is important that you pack light. By packing and travelling as lightly as possible, you get to enjoy the experiences rather than treading with so much weight on your shoulders. When going on your next trip, pack for half of the trip. For instance, if you want to travel for 6 days, only pack for 3 days. You can easily wear the same clothes twice or wash them before wearing. The less baggage you carry, the freer your mind would be. As a minimalist, you need to understand the difference between quality and quantity. Do take the clothes that you look your best in rather than taking everything to only realize that you did not need to bring everything along.

By travelling lightly, you get to carry new experiences rather than baggage. It is the way that things need to be. You will feel a lot lighter and will have more energy to try out new things. Take that South Asian trip that you have always wanted to go to countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, and Nepal.

  1. Wear Less

There is sophistication in wearing fewer items. You do not wear lots of accessories, jackets, shoes, hats, belts, or shirts to feel good about yourself. Instead, you should wear less. It will allow your personality to shine. Nothing is better than wearing a pair of crisp denim jeans and a plain white shirt. It will help you live more freely and people will notice you for who you are as a person rather than what you are wearing. Besides, it’s also good for the environment. It is important that we as consumers buy less so that companies start to recycle and produce less. Make your life easier and save money by wearing less. It is a philosophy in life that will make you a lot happier. If you watched the 73 Questions with Zach Effron video posted by Vogue, you will realize just how good life can be when you wear a lot less.

If you feel like challenging yourself, you can even opt for clothing-optional living as long as you remain at home. There are certain clothing-optional places that you can also head to for a simpler laid-back life. It might sound extreme at first. However, don’t knock it until you try it. Wearing less will allow you to set yourself free from capitalistic trends like fashion.

  1. Eat Similar Meals

There is no reason for you to eat something new all the time. Instead, you should eat meals that you like and are easy to prepare. It will allow you to stop wasting time going through ideas in your mind. Just give eating similar meals a try and you will quickly realize what we mean. Eating the same breakfast everyday is not a bad idea. You can rotate different meals throughout the week to add more variety. Make sure to look up food items that provide you with the required nutritional intake. For instance, you could eat an egg and apple for breakfast everyday and salmon every other day.

When you learn to control what you eat, you get to control your life. It is just as simple as that. It is about time that you created a plan involving what you eat every day. Besides, it will be a lot easier to draft out an eating plan for the entire week when you do not mind eating the same meals. It will also help you save money as you will prepare meals in advance and will not need to reach for Uber Eats to order takeout.

  1. Save Money

Being a minimalist is also about financial freedom. It is something that you cannot afford to overlook. When you read the first point in this guide, you came across different reasons for starting out a minimalist lifestyle. One of those reasons was to never go broke and pay off debt. This is where saving comes into place. By saving money, you get to ensure that you never have to pay hefty interest payments or ask for your family members to pitch in.

One should always put money aside for emergencies. It helps reduce stress and ensures that you do not go out of your mind in case of an emergency.



From writing down reasons for starting a minimalist lifestyle to saving money for a rainy day, only the best tips have been mentioned in this post. Now, you can live the life you have always wanted. Although it takes time to build habits, it is important that you try.

There is beauty to being a new minimalist. All that curiosity allows you to be daring and take on new things in life. There are many things that you can try out. However, you can use this guide as a starting point. Make sure to follow all the tips mentioned above for a more fulfilling life.