Ways to Improve Your Resume and Cover Letter

Trying to get a job at any stage in your life can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re struggling with how to write a CV or cover letter, we’ve got some tips on how to make yours stand out.

With the assistance of staffing agencies, your resume and cover letter are the first contact points between you and any potential employers. The right combination of keywords and phrases will help your application get through the automated filtering systems many companies use while demonstrating your ability to write clearly and concisely.

If you’re struggling to write a resume or cover letter that will impress a potential employer, here are tips to help.


Focus on the Job Description

Before writing your resume or cover letter, read the job description carefully. Note any skills or experience required for the position and write them down in bullet points in the appropriate section of your document. This will help ensure you don’t miss anything important when writing your resume and cover letter.


Proofread Carefully

Proofreading is easy to forget until after it’s too late–but it’s also one of the most essential parts of creating a professional resume or cover letter. Read through your document at least twice before submitting it, looking out for typos, grammatical errors and other mistakes that could make an employer think less of you as a candidate for the job.


Have a Good Format

A well-formatted resume is essential. It shows that you’ve put care into your application and are organized and detail-oriented. A sloppy appearance could also indicate that you aren’t as organized in other areas of your life and work.

Make sure that all sections of your resume are consistent in their formatting–font size or indentation–so that each section seamlessly flows together. The best way to achieve this is by using a template or style guide for help (more on that later).


Use Keywords

One way staffing agencies search for potential candidates is by scanning resumes with keywords from the job description in mind. Including relevant keywords in your resume increases the chances that yours will surface during a search.

It should be easy for employers to find information about their experience or skills without reading through every word on the page–they just want to see those keywords pop up!


Be Specific About Your Achievements

The best way to demonstrate that you have skills and experience relevant to the job is by describing specific examples from previous jobs or school projects. For example: “I gained experience working with Excel spreadsheets when I created reports for my supervisor at my summer job last year.” Or: “I learned about team building when I was part of my university.


Tailor Every Job Application to That Specific Opening

You probably have multiple versions of your CV and cover letter on your computer, with different details depending on the job you’re applying for. This is a mistake many job seekers make – it’s a waste of time and effort because it shows that you need to take their company more seriously.

Every time you apply for a job, make sure that you tailor your application materials to each specific opportunity. This means tailoring both your CV and cover letter so that they focus only on the skills and experience relevant to that particular position and company.


Make Sure Your Resume Is Up-To-Date

Only send out a document three months old if it’s for a specific reason (such as if it shows off your recent achievements). Make sure all contact information is up-to-date, including email addresses, phone numbers and even social media links (if appropriate).


Make Sure Your Resume Is Easy to Read

You can do some simple things to ensure that your resume is easy to understand. This includes:

  • Use colour sparingly: Limit yourself to one or two colours, but don’t use black and white unless necessary (for example, if you’re sending an attachment). If you use colour, always use it sparingly so that it doesn’t become distracting or difficult to read.
  • Use different font sizes: You want your resume to look neat and organized, so avoid using too many different font sizes on a single page; this will only make your document appear messy. Instead, choose one size throughout the entire document and stick with it.
  • Use bullets: Bullets are an excellent way to break up large text blocks on your resume. They make reading easier for the eye and help emphasize certain points in your CV that you’d like the employer to see first. Use bullets consistently throughout the entire document, though don’t overdo them; stick with no more than three bullets per section to maintain its effectiveness.
  • Ensure the spacing is consistent: Text should look neat and be manageable on the page. Avoid using multiple fonts, colours and styles in a single paragraph, as well as adding unnecessary spaces between words or sentences (this will make it harder for someone scanning through resumes).
  • Keep paragraphs short: A paragraph should never contain more than three sentences; if you need to write more than that, consider breaking it up into two or more paragraphs instead.