What is Javascript?

JavaScript is a popular and secure programming language. Its capabilities allow you to perform a huge number of operations. It is valuable because it does not require access to memory or a processor since it is “sharpened” for browsers that do not require it. JavaScript stores data inside variables, performs operations on text fragments, and runs code to execute specific events. Its functionality gives additional opportunities for use. The developer, using api ready-made sets of code blocks, will be able to implement programs that display data or change geographic information. With their help, you can create animated 2D, 3D graphics. Such blocks are amazing in multimedia, as they make it possible to play audio and video on a web page. You can see examples of beautiful Javascript API documents on doclets.io.

JavaScript performs the main task – it allows you to automate on the page of sites. With its help, interactive elements, various calculators, sliders, pictures that behave dynamically are created. When using JavaScript, pages become lively, graphically interesting.


How to become a JavaScript programmer?

The profession is prestigious and highly paid. To become a JavaScript programmer, you can study independently, take JavaScript Bootcamps and courses, or get a higher education at the university. Basic skills can be learned separately. The Internet is full of free presentations that explain in practice how the programming language works. The peculiarity of JavaScript is that the more knowledge you get, the more gaps arise that need to be filled.

For those who choose an independent learning path, it is necessary to prepare for the flow of unsystematized information. Paid courses with feedback from the teacher make it possible to use the time for training as efficiently as possible. As a rule, such courses contain a “squeeze” of the theory, which is accompanied by practical examples. Those who decide to master the profession with the help of courses get the opportunity to get a new specialty in a short time. Courses are good because they are held remotely or in the evening. Education at the university gives fundamental knowledge of JavaScript. The option is suitable for those who have just graduated from school and have a lot of free time. Studying the theory from scratch, accompanying it with practical developments, you can fully study the discipline. The only drawback of this method is the time cost.

It is important to determine for what purposes students receive knowledge. If he needs a diploma in a reputable company , welcome to the university. If the employer appreciates practical skills, courses or independent education will do.


How much does a JavaScript programmer earn?

Finding a job for a JavaScript specialist is easy. Given the popularity of the language, which allows you to integrate complex things on a web page, such a profession is always in demand. The range of salaries of novice specialists in the post-Soviet space is from 500 to 1,000 $. Such money is paid to students, beginners and those who cannot boast of practical experience.

If a specialist has reached the average level and can show his cases to the employer, his salary can reach up to several thousand dollars. Narrow-profile specialists who work abroad can receive from 50,000 to 70,000 $ per year. If you have seniority and work experience, wages grow in direct proportion. In most cases, the more a specialist works in JavaScript, the more money he is paid.

Full-cycle developers can receive about $ 110,000 per year. Such figures are taken from open sources. As statistics show, the payment for such work is constantly growing. Despite the fact that new specialists enter the market every day, the profession remains in demand.