What is the Use of FileZilla Server?

FileZilla is a strong, powerful server that transfers files over web browsers. To put it simply, it enables users to transfer data from a local computer to a remote one. It’s widely used on a global scale, and its open-source nature makes it highly accessible. The system is easy to download and upload, manages files and organises folders. It provides reliable security solutions that are highly protective of your data during any nature of connection.


FileZilla server is a sister product of FileZilla Client and it supports FTP, File Transfer Protocol, and FTP over TLS, which ensures that secure encrypted connections are supplied to a server. FileZilla’s support of TLS protects your data with an encryption – meaning that it is not available for anyone to see.  FTP enables web developers, owners and designers to upload files to their hosting company’s servers safely. The system is also popular for moving large quantities of data between different companies. FileZilla servers’ function as FTP solutions, making data exchange more secure.


Some of the key features, and benefits, of FileZilla include:

Compression with DEFLATE

Encryption with SSL/TLS

Per-user permissions on an underlying file system

Speed limits

GUI configuration tool


A FileZilla server enables users to streamline their process for development and for data exchange. The core use of FileZilla, is to make it easy for a user to upload and download files from their chosen web hosting server. These files can be edited and changes can be saved without the hassle of the downloading and reuploading process.


FileZilla server and FileZilla client are two different systems. With FileZilla client, a user is able to connect to the FileZilla server however the client needs to know the IP address and the running port for the server. FileZilla client has its own distinguishing features and uses, one of the biggest differences is that is can be used across a multitude of systems, not just Windows.


FileZilla server is perfect for encryption and safety and this is it’s predominant use.