Everybody today is talking about reseller hosting and discussing investing in this domain, but what exactly is this? Reseller hosting is an option where a company that acts as a host offers clients a space to allow third parties to rent out this space. There are many hosting platforms, but Linux reseller hosting is considered to be one of the best.

Linux reseller hosting is a platform where hosts can provide this space to their clients. Every person trying to run a personal blog/ have a business needs a website, which requires space online. The personal computers a client owns run on an OS (Operating System), especially for clients who use word press; they prefer Linux as their default OS. 

This is because every website can differ in its operation on different Operating Systems. The features offered by Linux are far superior, convenient, and cost-efficient when compared to other operating systems.

Some well-known facts about Linux reseller hosting:

  • A client usually opts for unlimited Linux reseller hosting because the Operating System used is Linux, and it is far more stable than systems like Windows.
  • Linux hosting is also very safe against system threats.
  • Personal websites and blogs are predominantly set up using a cheap Linux reseller hosting platform.

Advantages of Linux Reseller Hosting over others:

Usually, most cloud hosting servers permit complex implemented websites. A good Linux hosting platform ensures that the websites run smoothly and provides consistent performance, as there are hardware resources that are primarily dedicated to cloud-based applications. Following are a few points that explain how Linux reseller hosting is a much better option to choose:

  • Good Stability: When compared to the Windows server, a Linux server is far more stable. With excessive usage over time, Windows servers tend to slow down a bit, but Linux servers do not slow down at all. It also has lesser downtime, lesser chances of memory leaks happening. It is very secure and stable from viruses since it is an open-source platform. Hence, various groups of developers can easily tackle any bugs and discrepancies.
  • Cost-effective: Linux hosting is not only stable but also cheap. Servers such as Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, etc., are all Linux-based, and their set-up costs are much lower, as they are all open sources. In-house server storage, a substantial cost with zero application, can be saved by simply incorporating cloud computing. Some applications such as WordPress, PHP, My SQL, etc., integrate with the Linux platform and further cut down the company’s costs.
  • Flexible: The Linux hosting platform is very versatile when it comes to customization, compared to other hosting platforms, and can adapt to changing scenarios. If compared, Windows does not allow certain scripting languages, which are usually required by websites, to be set up initially. On the other hand, Linux allows for languages such as MySQL, PHP, Perl, etc. The infrastructure is based on Linux; along with the embedded applications, it also allows the use of server applications on the desktop. 
  • License not required:  Linux is an open-source OS (Operating System); small-scale businesses are approaching Linux hosting platforms as it offers lower costs, and they can set up their website and online presence without much hassle. There is no expensive license required to use this, unlike other costly hosting platforms. 
  • Professionally managed structure: Linux’s cloud-based infrastructure is well-managed, simplified, and excellent. Their management is also good due to the central resource administration, vendor management, and SLA backup agreement infrastructure. Any organization would benefit from lowered response time and good management structures for vendors without additional costs upfront and lower provisioning time.

Linux Distribution Software:

The following list is of a few popular distribution software of Linux:

  • Ubuntu
  • Arch Linux
  • Kubuntu
  • Deepin
  • Fedora
  • Ubuntu MATE
  • Mageia

Characteristics of a Good Web hosting business:

  • They are very consumer-focused and always make sure to find and target their suitable audience. They are clear with their vision with thorough research, and so they pull customers.
  • The best hosting platforms are known as such because their price point is suitable for all their possible customers. They are incredibly good at what they do; they know how to make a profit and serve their customers right.
  • Online presence/ Marketing: Reseller hosting platforms need to have a solid online presence. Everything today is social media-driven. A good reseller business knows that and makes sure they are on top of their social media marketing game.
  • They have an outstanding customer support team that can answer all queries proposed by their clients.