Motorcycle windshields, touring windscreens and wind deflectors are essential components of any motorcycle. They provide protection from the elements and can significantly reduce fatigue on long rides. With a wide variety of styles, sizes and materials to choose from, finding the right windshield for your bike has never been easier. In this article we will examine the features of motorcycle windshields, touring windscreens and wind deflectors to help you find the perfect fit for your ride. Read on to learn more!
Benefits of Motorcycle Windshields
Windshields are designed to provide protection from wind, rain and other elements when riding. Riding with a windshield can help reduce fatigue by deflecting the force of the wind away from your face and body. In addition, it can also improve visibility during inclement weather, as well as protect you from bugs and road debris. Furthermore, some windshields provide added protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

The Different Types of Motorcycle Windshields
Motorcycle windshields come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They are typically made from either plastic or metal, though some custom designs may be made from composite materials. The most common style is the full-coverage windshield which covers the entire front of your bike, providing maximum protection from the elements. There are also shorter “shorty” windshields that cover only part of the front, allowing for more airflow but offering less wind protection.
Touring Windscreens
Touring windscreens are designed to provide greater aerodynamic efficiency than traditional motorcycle windshields. These screens often feature streamlined shapes and extended lengths that reduce drag while riding at higher speeds. Touring windscreens can help reduce fatigue on long rides, as well as improve fuel efficiency.
Pros & Cons of Touring Windscreens
The main benefit of touring windscreens is their aerodynamic efficiency at higher speeds. However, they can also be more expensive than traditional windshields and require removal for storage purposes. In addition, some riders may not find them aesthetically pleasing due to their unique shape and length.
Wind Deflectors
Wind deflectors are small plastic pieces that attach to the upper edge of your windshield and help reduce wind noise and turbulence. They can also reduce buffeting caused by wind hitting your best full-face motorcycle helmet while riding at higher speeds. Wind deflectors are a relatively inexpensive and easy way to improve the comfort level of your ride without sacrificing protection from the elements.
Pros & Cons of Wind Deflectors
The main benefit of wind deflectors is their relatively low cost and ease of installation. In addition, they can reduce wind noise and buffeting while riding at high speeds. However, some riders may find that the added weight on the front of the bike affects handling, as well as reduces visibility in certain conditions.
How to Choose the Right Windsield for Your Bike
Choosing the right windshield for your bike is not an easy task. There are many factors to consider such as size, shape, material and airflow. It’s important to choose a windshield that will provide you with the protection you need without sacrificing visibility or comfort. Additionally, it’s important to make sure your windshield fits properly on your bike. If possible, try out several different models before making a decision so you can find the one that works best for you.
Installation Tips for Motorcycle Windshields
Windshields should always be installed properly in order to ensure proper performance. Start by following the manufacturer’s instructions for installation, as each windshield is slightly different. Be sure to use the correct hardware and appropriate tools, such as a hex key or screwdriver. Additionally, make sure all surfaces are clean and free of debris before installing the windshield.
Care and Maintenance of Motorcycle Windshields
Caring for your windshield is essential in order to keep it performing at its best. Regularly clean the windshield with a mild detergent and soft cloth, paying special attention to the edges and corners where dirt and debris can accumulate. Be sure to use a protective cover when storing your bike overnight or for long periods of time. Additionally, inspect your windshield regularly for damage and replace immediately if necessary.
How motorcycle windshields are made
Motorcycle windshields are typically made from polycarbonate plastics, although some manufacturers may use glass or other materials. The plastic is cut to size and then heated in an oven until it takes on its desired shape. Once cooled, the edges of the windshield are trimmed and polished for a finished look. Finally, hardware is attached to secure the windshield in place.
Why are motorcycle windshields not made of glass ?
Glass windshields are not typically used in the motorcycle industry due to their weight and fragility. Polycarbonate plastics provide a much lighter and durable solution that is able to withstand extreme temperatures, high speed impacts and even debris from other vehicles. Additionally, polycarbonates are more flexible than glass which makes them less prone to cracking or shattering in
Tips to choose the best aftermarket motorcycle windshields manufacturer
1. Research the reputation of different manufacturers and read customer reviews to get an idea of their product quality and service.
2. Consider the windshields’ size, shape, materials and airflow characteristics when selecting an aftermarket motorcycle windshields manufacturer.
3. Compare prices from different manufacturers to ensure you are getting the best deal for your money.
4. Ensure that the manufacturer has installation instructions for each windshield model they offer so you can properly install it on your bike yourself or with help from a professional mechanic or installer if necessary.
5. Make sure that replacement parts such as hardware and mounting brackets are available in case something breaks during installation or use later down the line.
6. Choose a manufacturer with good customer support should any issues arise during installation or while using the windshield after purchase.
7. Check warranty information before purchasing to make sure you will be covered in case of defects.
Finding the right motorcycle windshield can be difficult, but following these tips can help you find the perfect one for your needs. By taking into account size, shape, materials and airflow characteristics as well as researching different manufacturers and their customer service policies, you will be able to make an informed purchase that meets all of your requirements. Furthermore, understanding how motorcycle windshields are made and properly caring for and maintaining your windshield will help keep it performing at its best for years to come.
Happy riding!