Why Content For Your First Website Design Matters

website content

If you work at any web development agency, you most likely would have come across clients that tell you to design a website with just demo content. This approach may seem like one that would help fast track the project but in most cases, it actually takes away from the quality of the project. We will be going through some of the reasons why top web design agencies like this top web design Nigeria company prefer to design websites with original website content. If you inculcate the points made here into your design process, you’re sure to get a more efficient project workflow


  • Having your website content first helps in shaping the design direction

When you insist that a client prepares the content for a website or web app to be designed, it gives you ideas on how to present the content on the website or app. From the content, you can see if there’s an overarching theme that can be used for the website. Studying the content can also let you know how the client sees his or her business and how he or she need customers to connect with the brand or business. All these factors can only be vividly birthed from ready made content as word of mouth regarding a website’s design direction can be blurry especially when there’s a lack of interpretation on the design company’s side.


  • Content Modelling helps eliminate design oversights

When content is being created, certain structures or models have to be outlined in order to present the information in the best way possible to fulfil the purpose of the website to be designed. This singular need to provide structure to the website content will help eliminate the possibility of design oversights. For example, a membership website may require that certain information be only required after initial sign up. It’s in the process of content modelling that this type of information is noted. This can then be factored-in while designing and developing the website


  • A content first approach helps create consistency in design

Have you ever felt like the typography for headings or color placements of a was website off? Most likely, that was due to the content not being ready before the website design. If you are designing your website from scratch, this problem can be resolved by going through your website all over again to make appropriate corrections. In the case whereby you’re using website themes or content management systems with limitations, it may be a big regret to not have the content first to help you decide what theme or content management tools to use in the first place.


  • It helps reduce repetition

When the content of a website is made available and the mapping of content is done on a per page and section basis, some trimming occurs. In most cases, you realise some things can be fused together on the same page. Furthermore, you get to reduce the rate at which you repeat the same information in different writings. This helps you create a simple and concise website where every design and content serves a purpose.