10 Mistakes To Avoid In SEO

Optimizing your website is an essential element of your SEO strategy.

However, with the ever-changing nature of SEO, it can be difficult to stay on top of the latest trends and strategies. Therefore, a lot of marketers and businesses end up making plenty of mistakes.

Those mistakes can be costly, both in funds invested and the output required to reboot the campaign. As such, it is essential to be aware of the most common mistakes that impact an SEO campaign.

Let’s review the top eight SEO mistakes you should avoid:

  1. No Target Audience

One key reason that a lot of SEO campaigns fail is that marketers and businesses don’t focus on a suitably defined audience. They think that anyone can be a consumer. But it doesn’t work that way. Without having a target audience, the SEO campaign is not targetting anyone, thereby wasting away. Always focus on targetting a specific demographic so you can make the best use out of your SEO campaign.

  1. Using The Wrong Keywords

Without having a demographic to target, how you could choose the right keywords that connect with them? Keywords are the lifeblood of all SEO campaigns, and selecting the wrong ones can severely damage any business. You can avoid this problem by undertaking in-depth research and finding keywords that connect with your customers.

  1. Poor Website Optimization Structure

Sometimes the structure and layout of your website can harm your SEO, as you will not be able to optimized correctly. Poorly placed header tags (or an overload of header tags), misplaced keywords, a lack of call-to-actions, no keyword engagement – all this can stem if your website is poorly designed.

  1. Poor On-site Optimization

A lot of problems stem from the poor execution of on-site optimization strategies. For on-site optimization, when pages are created, the title, meta description and tags are not properly optimized with the keywords. They’re left blank. That will negatively impact your SEO campaign, as on-site optimization allows Google to understand what your site wants to achieve and who it wants to reach.

  1. Low Amount Of Content…

They say content is king when it comes to SEO. And it’s true. You need a specific amount of content on your website to draw attention from Google. A low amount will harm your rankings, as Google will detect that you’re not looking to engage your audience. Make sure you aim for 600 to 700 words of content on a page to reap the rewards.

  1. …And Poor Quality Content

The quality of the content you put on the site will also have an impact on an SEO campaign. Placing poorly written, and plagiarized content on your website, it will make people jump off your site, increasing your bounce rate, and therefore, decreasing your ranks. Always write top-tier quality content for your website.

  1. Bad, Broken Or Damaged Links

Internal links throughout your website help develop your keyword strength and push your rankings up. But if the links become broken, are misleading (by linking the keyword to the wrong page) or not redirected, it can impact your SEO. Make sure you always check the quality of the internal links on your site.

  1. No Mobile Optimization

Let’s face it; we are living in the mobile era. People are using their mobile phones more than their PCs when it comes to searching online. If your website is not mobile-friendly, and not optimized for mobile users, then expect your SEO to suffer in the process.