4 Reasons Social Media Marketing is Important for Businesses

Social media marketing has proven to be effective in today’s business climate and will only continue to grow as time goes on. If you aren’t already utilizing this form of marketing, it’s time to get up to speed before your competitors do! Here are the top four reasons social media marketing is important for businesses today.

  1.   Understand your customers

Social media marketing isn’t as much about promotion as it is about learning more about your customers and building relationships with them. If you don’t know who they are, how can you promote to them? To effectively use social media marketing to build an audience, take advantage of free tools such as Facebook analytics to find out where your target market spends their time online and what content they’re sharing. Use those insights to discover relevant topics and hash tags that you can use in your own posts. The more relevant your posts are, the better they will perform.

  1.   Increase your brand awareness

Did you know that companies like Coca-Cola, Mercedes-Benz, Ford and McDonald’s have Facebook pages with millions of likes? You can replicate these mammoth marketing successes by creating a social media presence and leveraging it for your business.

With many people spending an average of about 20 minutes per day on social networks, getting active on these sites will help your company reach millions of potential customers. Also consider how to leverage the best SEO compnay in New Zealand.We’re a creative lab with a team of specialists versed in various aspects of digital marketing, and you can bank on us to grow your traffic and in turn, your revenue. As a leading digital marketing agency in New Zealand, we’re obsessed with delivering real value. We’ll always go one step further than the next digital marketing agency in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch.

  1.   Establish a reputation as an expert

Part of getting people to trust your brand is proving that you’re an expert in your industry. One way to do that is to establish a presence on social media, especially those networks related to what you do (for example, if you’re a marketer or entrepreneur, LinkedIn might be a good start). Not only will people see what you’re up to online, but they can also get insight into how you think and learn about some of your hobbies and interests.

People who have similar interests and passions are far more likely to pay attention. And when potential customers trust your business more, they’ll be more likely to buy from you—or recommend your products or services.

  1.   Research competitor activity in real time

By watching and listening to what your competitors are saying, you can find out in real time what they’re doing well, what they aren’t doing, who they’re reaching out to. You can then adjust your messaging and alter your tactics accordingly. For example, if you notice a competitor has had great success with a certain type of content on Facebook or Instagram, try that same kind of content—and see how it performs. If something isn’t working as well as expected or not working at all, try something else.