5 SEO Mistakes That You Should Absolutely Avoid In 2019

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to keep your business website on top of the search rankings. Not only does it assure high visibility of your brand, but it also gets you high traffic and builds a reputation for your business. However, since SEO is such a commonly used online marketing tactic, people tend to take it frivolously. Not ensuring that you are doing it right can land your website in trouble as all the good work may get wasted. So it is important to be aware of the mistakes that you could make in order to avoid them in the long run. Let us list a few SEO mistakes that you should avoid in 2019.


Not generating quality content

Without any doubt, content is the lifeline of SEO but it will not really work unless you ensure its high quality. The objective of content goes beyond just giving information to the users but extends to building trust in your website. Not publishing genuine, relevant and valuable content will get you in the bad books of Google and you may end up with lost rankings subsequently.

And there is another factor: content for 80 USD for 1500 words? You know who writes this content, right? Think for yourself what ROI your content has for you. Think about whether it’s worth investing more in a real content strategy. Including competitor forensics, keyword research and content written for people. And not for search engines. Content is a giveaway: for you, your company, your customers and your sales. If you have content and no rankings? You should check the reasons.


Prioritizing quantity of links over quality

Another fatal mistake that you should avoid is focusing on increasing the number of your backlinks rather than improving their quality. A good backlink profile is the mainstay of SEO success and getting just high in numbers will not get you anywhere close. Start with refined tactics to build quality links from authoritative sources. Availing professional Blogger Outreach Service is a good idea to get your posts published on such sites for a stronger profile.


Overstuffing keywords in the content

You may be tempted to use as many keywords in the content as you can but beware of this blunder. Overstuffing will be seen as a manipulative effort by Google and can evoke penalty for your rankings. The best way to go would be to keep your content optimized with keywords yet ensure that they fit naturally and enhance the value of the content.


Building incoming links too fast

Too many links coming too fast for a website will be another alarming factor for Google and a penalty can be expected sooner rather than later. According to link building specialists at Submitcore, the entire process needs to go at a natural pace. Slow and steady is the way to go. Also, make sure that you do not make use of anchor text links as a part of your backlink building strategy.


Not paying attention to your website’s speed

The loading speed of your website is closely related to the user experience it delivers. You cannot go slack with this parameter because slow loading indicates poor UX and the latter can push your rankings way down. Even if your site has the best content and a great backlink profile, it will face Google’s wrath because of poor UX.

Avoiding these mistakes can go a long way in securing your rankings and getting good results for your SEO efforts. The best approach would be to have a professional SEO team looking after your website because they understand the significance of a flawless strategy.

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