5 Signs Your Child’s Mole Needs To Be Checked By A Dermatologist


If you suspect your child has an abnormal mole, it is important for your child to consult a certified and experienced dermatologist such as Dr. Liew Hui Min for skin screening and appropriate advice. The following article discusses some signs that your child’s mole should be checked by a dermatologist.

During childhood and adolescence, it is normal for the development of new moles as your child grows. It is also considered typical if the moles become darker or lighter. Some moles may even tend to fade over time. Such occurrences usually do not signify skin cancer, known as melanoma, which is able to start at the site of a mole.

The good news is that most young children do not get melanoma frequently. Despite so, there are some cases when a mole should still undergo inspection by a dermatologist just to make sure the child is healthy. When melanoma is detected in the early stages, it can be treated with good success rates.


1. A mole that has changed

Moles do grow in children over time, and some may become lighter or darker in colour, but it can be worrisome if a mole is experiencing more rapid changes. Such cases should be checked by a dermatologist.

If your child has a mole that has a vastly different appearance in comparison to his or her other moles, it should also be looked at by a dermatologist.


2. A mole with different colours, jagged borders or dome-shaped

When you notice a mole that is raised and round on the skin of your child which is brown, pink, tan or red in colour, this is probably a Spitz nevus. The surface may be rough or smooth. In some cases, the surface can tear open, which then can result in bleeding. A child may be born with this kind of mole or have it develop between age 10 to 20.

Though this type of mole is regarded as harmless, the reality is that it looks rather similar to a melanoma, which is regarded as the most severe form of skin cancer. Melanoma has the potential to also bleed, break open and have a dome shape. Both a regular mole and a melanoma can possess multiple colours. In such cases, your child should see a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.


3. A mole that bleeds

A mole raised above the skin surface can easily get caught on something, which can cause irritation. If a mole tends to bleed without any known cause, it is important to consult a dermatologist. A mole that appears as an open sore is also a cause for concern. The presence of a break in the skin or melanoma can indicate melanoma. This situation should be investigated by a dermatologist.


4. A child with fifty moles or more

It is typical for someone to have between 12 to 20 moles on their body. But a person with fifty moles or more is more likely to develop melanoma. That is why it is important for your child to be inspected by a dermatologist as a form of prevention.


5. A large mole

Most moles are noted as being spots that are oval or round and they are smaller in size than half a dime. Some children may have larger moles, which could be seven inches in diameter or even larger.

In fact, a mole can be gigantic and cover a large part of the torso of a child. Such moles appear at birth or shortly after. Such moles can increase the chances of developing melanoma. Such a child should visit a dermatologist regularly.