After Cosmetic Surgery Healthy Tips for Skin Care

After opting for cosmetic surgery, you have to take significant steps towards improving the glow and overall appearance of your skin. For quick recovery, and to ensure that the results are great within the first weeks post-surgery, you need to take special care of your skin. Depending on whether you opted for eyelifts, face-lifts or any other surgical procedures, skin care would vary. One advantage of going to Aesthetics clinic in Cardiff is that you get professional care and healthy tips by the experts, to ensure great results. Nonetheless, here are some important things to guide you:

Know the type of cosmetic procedure you are having. Understand the effects the procedure will have. It could range from some common procedures like microdermabrasion, mild chemical peels, and nonabrasive laser resurfacing procedures, to fillers or Botox.

Among some rather invasive procedures that can leave, you with broken or open wounded skin are deep chemical peels, rhinoplasty, eyelifts, facelifts, and other procedures.


Four Cardinal Rules for Skin Care Post Cosmetic Surgery

  1. Treat it like baby skin – To optimize the results of the surgery, apply mild hypo-allergic products to your skin. It is already red and sensitive so to avoid pigmentation, use non-soap cleansers, and fragrance-free moisturizers.
  2. Avoid excessive exposure to the sun. Use sunscreen creams to block alpha and beta sunrays. Getting Botox in Cardiff makes this easier because the weather here is usually cloudy.
  3. Let your wounds heal. Do not itch or peel your skin even though it is very tempting. Scalding your wounds can lead to infection and permanent scars.
  4. Increase water intake – You should take at least eight glasses of water daily. It can flush out toxins in your system and rejuvenate the skin.

After a successful recovery, experts at Bellisimos – a reputed Aesthetics Clinic in Cardiff recommend keeping up some healthy activities. Here are some tips no expert would share with you:

Consider cosmetic surgery as an investment. You would want to make the most out of the time, energy, and money you spend on cosmetic procedures. However, you need to understand that after surgery you need upkeep to maintain great results. Nothing can conceal the effects of aging by 100% because genes, lifestyle habits, and your age will affect your results to some extent.

Nonetheless, even after choosing the best Aesthetics Clinic in Cardiff for your procedure, here are some things you can do to maintain great results.

1. Eat healthily and exercise regularly

When you opt for body contouring and Botox in Cardiff, these procedures can transform the curves of your body. If you opt for the fat removal procedure, liposuction will rid you of the fat cells, but without proper care, if you regain the fat there will be no use of the procedure. Likewise, regaining the chubby face will make having the procedure on your face a waste.

You must maintain healthy habits like exercising and watching your calorie intake.

Professional tip:

If you are an active patient, recovery can be a challenge. During the recovery phase, you will have to reduce workouts to allow the skin to heal. Do not feel discouraged, it is normal to regain some weight during recovery. Eat the right things and avoid strenuous activity until the skin heals completely.

2. Good skincare practices

How well you take care of your skin can make a big difference in the results. It can help prevent scarring and with time make the results even better.

While the surgeon makes sure the incisions are not visible or easy to detect and fade out without any scars, how you handle the skin governs how good the results would be. It is partially in your hands. First, avoid post-surgery activities until healing is complete. Secondly, protect your incisions from the excessive and damaging sun. Keep your skin clean and use topical scar care ointments or products. Doctors at the Aesthetics Clinic in Cardiff will give you a proper list of recommended products to use.

Using the right medical-grade skin products helps maintain and enhance the results of your cosmetic surgery. The aesthetician will guide you about the best products. In fact, they may even have all the products available so you can get them right there without the hassle to visit a nearby pharmacy. Based on their experience, they would recommend branded products for great results.

Professional tip:

Listen to and follow the aftercare instructions you get. Ignoring them can cause problems with healing. Save yourself the pain, additional cost, and time waste by using the recommended products the experts recommend.

3. Maintain Healthy Habits

What you eat and apply on your body will make a huge impact on your health generally. Most experts performing cosmetic surgeries like Botox in Cardiff insist that patients should quit smoking. The reason is that nicotine affects the body’s natural ability to heal. It can slow the healing process by interfering with the skin and can cause scars to become more visible. Likewise, excessive consumption of alcohol proves to be a major cause of unsatisfactory results and often leads to scarring.

Professional tip:

When you visit the Aesthetics Clinic in Cardiff, be honest with the surgeons. Share details about your lifestyle and about how much you smoke and drink. If you are on any medication and even if they are supplements, tell the surgeon. You must also share details about what skincare products you have been using. This allows the surgeon to know what necessary steps to take to make sure you have great results post-surgery and a smooth healing process.

Maintain Lifetime after Surgery Healthy Habits

After aesthetics surgery, patients feel and confident about their appearance. This motivates them to maintain healthy habits so that they can relish in their confidence and newly restored self-esteem. Therefore, it is important to live a healthy life. If you are considering opting for Botox in Cardiff, make sure you visit only the best Aesthetics Clinic in Cardiff.