Balancing Comfort and Practicality when Choosing a Lightweight Wheelchair  


People who don’t need a wheelchair may not realize that different wheelchairs serve different purposes, yet people who do use one understand a need to have several for different situations. What most people understand to be a standard wheelchair is not always the best for either comfort or practicality. The fact is, a larger chair can be easier to use for someone in a place which accommodates the size, but a smaller chair might work better in unfamiliar surroundings which may or may not be fully handicapped accessible. The active person generally has three main consideration when choosing a lightweight wheelchair based on how they intend to use it.


Home Use Chairs

Just like someone who doesn’t have a disability, someone who is unable to walk expects to be comfortable in their own home. Presumably, they’ve found a single level house or apartment with wide doors and hallways to accommodate a larger, more comfortable chair. It’s important to review a chair with storage space to carry items around. A really great chair for the home can also have a taller back with neck and head support, and will likely recline in order to rest comfortably while reading or watching television yet still allow motion for working on hobby and craft projects or cooking.


Office Considerations

When someone spends eight to ten hours at work, they are going to want a comfortable chair. Because of the circumstances, nobody is going to think less of the person who uses a pillow in the seat for comfort, but it looks sleeker and more professional in the office environment to choose a seat with integral cushions built into the design. It is possible to feel comfortable and look great as well, and it will impress co-workers and clients alike to someone who is wheelchair bound to be energetic and productive with a professional appearance.


Travel: Around Town and Vacation

Travel is when the lightweight wheelchair really becomes important. Theoretically, anywhere a person goes is supposed to be accessible, but the fact remains there might be a step to traverse, a ramp which is steeper than what is usually expected for wheelchair access, or a hill to climb to reach a destination. Whether the wheelchair user is able to conduct themselves or if they need help in such situations, a wheelchair which is lightweight and easily maneuverable is going to be a huge boon rather than one which is wide and heavy or in poor condition.



As a final note, it’s important to remember the term “disability” is no longer a fully accurate description of someone who needs a wheelchair. Most people who are unable to walk or stand still live productive and meaningful lives. New building codes assure accessibility and new technology allows the means for people with a handicap to travel with little or no help on a daily basis. With time and consideration toward the specific choice a great wheelchair doesn’t have to prevent people from enjoying their lives.