Early signs of Dementia

Dementia is a condition characterized by the non-functioning of nerve cells in the brain of a person. Though it usually happens in old age it is not a part of aging. In other words, it does not accompany the natural process of aging.

The deterioration of the brain may happen with aging but it happens way too faster in people suffering from dementia.

There are different types of Dementia, out of which, the most common being is Alzheimer’s disease. Other types include:

  • Vascular disorders
  • Lewy body dementia
  • frontotemporal dementia
  • mixed dementia, or a combination of types

Typically, there are early signs of dementia. Persons suffering from dementia may usually experience two or more combination of these symptoms. Let us see these symptoms in detail.


# Memory loss

Memory loss is a common symptom of dementia. This is the most significant sign or symptoms of dementia. A person who is developing dementia may face issues in remembering events or dates and other information.

He may have troubles in recalling past events that he had recently known. They will bank on their family members or friends to keep abreast of the happenings around them.


# Difficulty in solving problems

A person showing signs of dementia may find it problematic to follow instructions of guidelines. Such people may not be able to grasp directions while driving or when you teach them the procedure of going about different things.

They will find even more difficult to add numbers while paying bills and doing similar tasks.


# Difficulty doing familiar tasks

A person with dementia may find it difficult to complete tasks they regularly do, such as changing settings on a television, operating a computer, making a cup of tea, or getting to a familiar location. This difficulty with familiar tasks could happen at home or work.


# Being confused about time or place

People suffering from dementia find it very hard to understand the passing of time. They grapple with the inability to judge the events of the future or the past. They easily forget where they are and may also struggle with dates.


# Challenges in understanding visual information

Persons with dementia cannot easily understand visual information depicted in front of them. They will find it challenging to judge distances, colors, signs, etc. So, someone who has dementia may not be able to easy tasks riding a bicycle, reading colorful pictures, etc.


# Problems with speaking or writing

Dementia may hinder affected persons to engage in conversations. They will not be able to remember what a person has just said or what they have said a few minutes ago. Their handwriting may also become illegible with the progress of dementia.

They will find it difficult to read others’ handwriting as well. Their spelling, punctuation, and grammar will also get worse.


# Misplacing things

People with dementia will not remember where they kept their objects such as keys, mobile phones, cash, remote control, important documents, etc.


# Poor judgment or decision-making

Suffering from dementia will disable people from understanding what is reasonable or fair. This means they will easily buy things which do not even need or easily get convinced about other things.


# Withdrawal from socializing

A person with dementia will refrain from socializing with other people. They may not pay attention to what others are saying. They may also stop doing activities that they like or that involve the participation of other people.


# Changes in personality or mood

A person with dementia may experience sudden mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may feel depressed, fearful, or anxious.

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