How Is Artificial Intelligence Shaping Our World

As the famous saying goes: Time does not wait for anyone. If we were to view this in a modern-day context or perspective, we would say that technology does not wait for anyone. By all means, we need to embrace the emerging advancements and discover the benefits that they hold for humanity.

From electric cars to robots, flying cars to drone cameras and now Artificial Intelligence (AI) – technology is here to stay. The question arises that what is our standing when this wave of digital transformation is taking place. Before we move towards the more important part, let us understand what AI itself is. It is essentially an extension of computer science aimed at making machine behavior intelligent. The AI works on a predefined algorithm to allow the machines to mimic humans but act smarter than them. Once the AI is fully adapted, we will be able to carry out many of our daily activities utilizing machine programing.

Many organizations have been investing heavily in AI, developing virtual assistants and dedicating entire units for research in the field. They have realized that the sooner they can switch their system to the new technology, the better. AI solutions are designed to serve companies with fast-paced processing, next-to-zero redundancies, and overall improved efficiency.

In this article, we will look at the ways how artificial intelligence is shaping our world. We will look at the areas where AI has had the most impact and is transforming the manners in which things were done before.

  1. Healthcare

One of the biggest areas where AI has a strong impact is the healthcare sector. It can provide the precision and accuracy required to treat and prevent diseases. In even the most critical of medical cases, such as brain tumors, we may give all patients the same treatment to find out what would work. But the precision of treatment by AI will have the power to assist medical practitioners in deciding about their strategies successfully.

Researchers and experts may be able to do so by making use of the large medical data available. Such a level of research and precision of data analysis can even help find a cure for major diseases, such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.

  1. Communication

AI is definitely on its way to changing the way people communicate with each other. Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, Amazon’s Alexa and the new Google Assistant are pieces of evidence of highly modernized communication. These virtual assistants may have years of knowledge of the audience and how they communicate.

The AI is fast transforming communication and is making it as accurate as possible. For instance, it can make excellent public speakers by learning about people’s gestures and voices, and the reaction of the audience. An algorithm based on this information can help create machines to change the process of communication.

  1. Cyber Security

While the world is experiencing digitization to its fullest, we also have had issues relating to cybersecurity in small business. This can be gauged by the fact that more than four billion incidents of data breach took place in 2019 alone. So, one of the biggest challenges for experts is data security. AI solutions for automation and learning can also protect us from all sorts of theft and even help reign in terrorism. For starters, it can spot and identify specific patterns of crime and things of malicious nature. No surprise that companies have been using AI solutions to detect threats and prevent fraud. The first immediate result of that could be in the form of secure smartphones and other computer devices.

  1. Robotics

AI has taken robotics to the next level of advancement. Through machine learning, robots can assist humans by creating a simulation of thoughts and interaction. These processes work by using natural language to interact with customers; the more they communicate with humans, the more they learn.

In today’s world, robots can be seen communicating with humans at airports, hotels and retail stores. For instance, Sophia, the first humanoid robot, can communicate with human beings at an advanced level and display over 60 facial expressions. The robot was developed by Hanson Robotics and made her first public appearance in 2016 in Texas, United States.

  1. Food Production

AI produces amazing results in terms of food production, especially given the increasing population. The solutions can primarily be used to increase production, decrease any wastage and even help human beings with their diet. Using accurate algorithms, AI solutions can greatly assist farming experts from the stage of planting the crops to harvesting them. The good part is that all of this production can take place without causing any environmental issues. The AI can also help decrease the use of chemicals, and assist in the precise use of pesticides, amongst other benefits.

Other Areas Where AI Is Functional

There are several other areas where AI is increasingly functional, such as transportation, education, manufacturing, and media. In terms of transportation, we can hope to see autonomous vehicles plying on our roads. In the area of manufacturing, AI robots can assist humans in the stages of assemblage and running of the equipment. In education, too, the digitizing of textbooks and virtual teachers are the next big thing to mesmerize the world. Similarly, in the media, organizations are already making the use of AI solutions to make sense of complex reports and generate crucial data.

The Takeaway

AI comes with a lot of technological solutions and is set to transform the way we benefit from machine learning. But, it also poses a few challenges such as it has created an underlying fear among the humans that it is here to replace them. This has given rise to job security fears and similar apprehensions. Experts argue that AI is only here to mimic humans and learn about their behaviors to serve them, not to deprive them of their jobs or freedom of choice. Again, the technology is progressing at its optimum and constantly shaping the world around us.