Quick Facts on CBD Oil and Anxiety: Does it Work?

Quick Facts on CBD Oil and Anxiety: Does it Work?

More people are extolling the benefits of CBD, and there are many great reasons for this. First of all, CBD is a natural supplement, and it is a compound that doesn’t have any psychoactive effects (unlike its cousin, THC). Many individuals have lauded CBD as a helpful treatment for anxiety, depression, pain, and even more severe conditions such as cancer and epilepsy. But when it comes to anxiety, CBD has become the go-to supplement for many. So what makes it so special as a treatment for anxiety, and what can it really do? Here are the quick facts on CBD oil and anxiety: does it work?


Some studies have already pointed to CBD working for anxiety, and these include studies involving general anxiety, conditions such as social anxiety disorder or SAD, and post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.


CBD oil for general anxiety


For general anxiety, also referred to as GAD or generalised anxiety disorder, the CBD compound has been shown to decrease stress. In a particular study, rats were observed by scientists, and they noticed that the subjects had lower signs and symptoms of anxiety. Aside from this, the subjects also showed lower physiological symptoms related to anxiety, such as a lower heart rate. Of course, scientists would also need to do research on humans as well as on the disorder itself, but the results have been promising.


CBD for SAD and PTSD


CBD may also prove beneficial to those who have other types of anxiety, including SAD (social anxiety disorder) and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Additionally, CBD may help those who have insomnia induced by anxiety. In a study done in 2011, scientists assessed the effects of CBD on individuals who had social anxiety disorder. The participants received an oral dosage of 400mg of CBD, and others were given a placebo, and the individuals who received the CBD dosage experienced reduced levels of anxiety.


In other studies, scientists found that CBD may have potential for the treatment of PTSD, especially when it comes to symptoms such as the replaying of negative memory and recurring nightmares. In the studies, scientists looked at the compound as a standalone treatment as well as a natural supplement to medication and other standard treatments.


CBD for other disorders of the neurological system


Researchers have also been studying CBD in regards to other disorders of the neurological system. For instance, in a review done in 2017 on CBD and its connection to treatment for psychiatric disorders, scientists stated that there is not enough evidence as of yet to conclude that CBD is effective for the treatment of depression. They did say, however, that there is some evidence suggesting that CBD may help treat anxiety disorders, even if the studies were not controlled (which means that the participants were not compared to a ‘control’ group which received a different form of treatment).


But based on this review, scientists concluded that we need a better understanding of CBD’s effects and how it works, and we also need to determine the ideal dosage and check for potential hazards or side effects. All in all, though, CBD shows a lot of promise. And if you would like to buy CBD oil, make sure you acquire it from a reputable and reliable, trustworthy source.


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