Telltales and Hard Facts: Recreational Marijuana, a Health Support

There is a prevailing stigma on drugs feigning negative side effects on the human body by long-lived adverse reputation. Though our body mostly reacts to medications we take, we must seriously contemplate our network’s tolerance towards the effects of these drugs.

We might overlook the good side of some drugs due to the wrong impression they initially pose. At the same time, once the public unifies in delivering an opinion, it will be tough to withdraw the notion unless empirically substantiated. For instance, marijuana or cannabis is frequently distinguished as a depressant since it slows down the human brain’s processing.

Principally, if we examine these opinions based on scientific evidence, we can magnify the hard facts hidden beneath these telltales for an extended period already. This moment, we will be able to disclose the truth and give ourselves a chance of life with recreational marijuana.

If Truth be Told

Marijuana was once a sweeping illegal drug in the entire America. It is predominantly smoked with the composition of dried leaves, stem, seeds, and flower buds. Moreover, it also comes in various 1,200 slang labels such as green, weed, pot, and grass. You can never know it’s marijuana with its casual street names!

On the contrary, several countries permit the cultivation and use of marijuana. Legal provision varies among these countries, but the bottom line is, they have already embraced cannabis as a drug allowed for humans.

Countries like Canada and Georgia have taken in the both recreational and medicinal use of this drug. Twenty-nine states of America allow the trade and use of marijuana among adults over 21 years old. Colorado and Washington were the first to fully legitimize the use of marijuana for leisure and health aid.

Regions like Asia have an enduring history of stigma when it comes to marijuana use. For the record, cannabis’ existence in Thailand is untraceable. It is known even before the use and trade of this drug was decriminalized in 1934. in 2019, the acceptance of growth and consumption of the said drugs broadened. By then, Thailand became the first to legalize Marijuana in Asia.

Dramatic Influence on Health

Among all chemical compounds of the hemp plant, CBD or the cannabidiol poses the least grounds for arguments of the antis since it doesn’t have intoxicating properties, unlike the THC or tetrahydrocannabinol which precursors the high effect to the users that will eventually lead to sedation.

Science has professed marijuana as a promising treatment for various health conditions that are once supposed as irremediable by existing medicine. As emphasis, medicinal marijuana could heal Alzheimer’s disease, anorexia, glaucoma, and cancer. Seems loaded with lots of potentials, right?

With the hundreds of chemical compounds in marijuana, prejudices compose a generally addictive impression to this drug overlooking its potential to appease and even eradicate chronic pain. That is what we have missed while hating marijuana.

Cannabis promotes sound cognitive performance with individuals who suffer from a lack of concentration and attentiveness. Persons diagnosed with ADHD or Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder experiences psychological uneasiness, such as mentioned above. This drug pledges wellness more than destruction.

Mental disabilities could either be congenital or developed. One thing is sure; it takes time for the treatment duration. For example, children with spectrum disorders like autism indeed tend to get more anxious than normal ones. Cannabis could be an aid to parents experiencing hard times in managing the symptoms.

A Glimpse of the Statistics

Admittedly, 40% of Americans became users of marijuana, even just for once. With over 94 million Americans who are into these drugs, it is customarily associated with addiction without looking into the other side of the coin.

Among all compelling drugs, marijuana remains low in percentage when it comes to personal harm and users who were inflicting harm to others. Alcohol and cigarettes are still at the peak of the risk chart. If these products with more dangerous substances than marijuana are up in the market, why is marijuana still outlawed?

The majority of Americans are pro-legalization of marijuana. From 16% in 1995, the ratings stood at 55% of the total population by 2014. This capricious public opinion has resulted in rapid changes in the provisions of legalizations among 50 states of the country. It seems like a social movement towards breaking a bad tradition.

Marijuana users, for the sake of recreation, keenly pick their material for every smoking session. A provider of smoking tools called is a one-stop-shop for weed lovers out there! Bongs, glass pipes, and vaporizers? Name it, and they have it!



With engagement in recreational marijuana, you are embracing a crucial practice that could lead you to a win-or-bust situation. If you feel like needing it for a definite purpose, refer to your state’s legal provisions for drug use.

Generally, anxieties foreshadow depression. Mental incapacities are grim human conditions. We have different ways of coping up with psychological disturbances. With the promise of marijuana to contain these troubles, it is an excellent take to denounce the stigma of marijuana for the welfare of our health.