The importance of measuring and monitoring your blood pressure

Taking care of the health of the human body is essential. Through visits to the doctor and precautions taken at home, we can stay healthy. By having a strong immune system, we manage to prevent diseases and extend our life span. In particular, this is something that is achieved through measuring and monitoring blood pressure.

Thanks to medical and technological advances, measuring and monitoring blood pressure is an easy thing to do. Not only through routine exams, but also by using a blood pressure watch. These are inexpensive and easy to set up. So that you know how essential they are, in this article we will tell you about the importance of measuring and monitoring your blood pressure.


What is blood pressure? The dangers that come with it

In order to understand the importance of measuring and monitoring your blood pressure, through using a smart watch, you must know what it means. Simply put, it refers to the force at which blood is pumped into the arteries each time the heart beats. It is measured by systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

The first is the top number, and it refers to when the heart beats. Instead, the second is the lower number and covers the space between beats. If both values ​​are high in a person, it is because they suffer from hypertension. Today, high blood pressure is a problem that affects millions of adults around the world. It puts them at risk for heart attacks or strokes.

Hypertension does not usually show clear symptoms, so it is essential to have a blood pressure record. In case you suffer from such a disease, the best way to control hypertension is through making lifestyle changes. Otherwise, your life will be at risk. Some tips that you can follow are the following.

  • Give up smoking.
  • Reduce salt and fat intake.
  • Maintain good fitness and control over your body weight.
  • Get some kind of exercise regularly.
  • Keep regular doctor appointments.

On the other hand, low blood pressure also causes problems in the human body. It is known as hypotension, which is less common than hypertension. In addition, the symptoms it causes are different. These are the following.

  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.
  • Paleness.
  • Shaking chills.
  • Fainting.
  • General weakness throughout the body.

By measuring and monitoring your blood pressure, you will be able to identify the root of any of these symptoms with ease. This is something fundamental, since it can be related to other serious pathologies.


How can I measure and monitor my blood pressure at home?

Blood pressure measurement is part of a person’s routine checkups. If you are over the age of 18, you are required to have a full medical exam at least once every 2 years. It is also recommended to wear a blood pressure watch. Especially if you fit any of the following criteria.

  • You are over 40 years old.
  • You suffer from obesity.
  • There is a history of diabetes or heart disease in your family.
  • You find yourself taking birth control pills.

In that case, you can measure and monitor your blood pressure at home in several different ways. Currently, there are different models of blood pressure monitors. There are arm, wrist or finger. The medical community usually recommends the arm one, because it has greater precision. However, either option is very good. Even smart watches are becoming more accurate in measuring blood pressure.

Before you use one of the blood pressure monitors, you need to prepare yourself. You should not drink coffee, smoke or exercise 30 minutes before the test. You also have to be sitting in a chair with lumbar support, without crossing your legs. Rest your arm on a flat surface, and make sure you are not doing anything else while you measure your blood pressure.

According to information from the American Heart Association, several measures are recommended. At least 2 or 3, with a minute of waiting between them. If your test results are higher than 180/120 mm Hg, take a 5-minute break and try again. If the reading stays in the high range, see a doctor.


How to understand the test results?

Knowing what the numbers on your blood pressure monitor test mean is not enough. To control it and understand its importance, you must understand what the reading indicates. Today, blood pressure is categorized, which makes it easy for each person to understand the test results. Next, we teach you the meaning of the readings.

  • Normal blood pressure: Systolic less than 120, with Diastolic less than 80.
  • High blood pressure, without cardiac risk: Systolic greater than 1

40, with Diastolic above 90.

  • High and dangerous blood pressure: Systolic greater than 180, with Diastolic greater than 120.

Although using a blood pressure watch you can measure and monitor your blood pressure regularly, you should still see your doctor. Especially if you suffer from hypertension or hypotension. Home blood pressure meters are also essential, as they offer results that are more accurate.

However, it should also be mentioned that in many cases, the medical test is less accurate than the one carried out at home. This is because there are people who tend to be stressed during the exam. Therefore, it is recommended to keep a separate record of both types of evidence.


What is the best method to measure and monitor blood pressure?

Today, any of the options mentioned above offer accurate and reliable results. Although, ideally, you should be guided by the recommendation of the doctor in charge of examining you. Regular medical tests usually need to be continued. In addition, you need to continue to wear a blood pressure watch and purchase a blood pressure monitor that wears on your arm.

At the same time, it is necessary to keep a record of each test. Especially if you change your blood pressure monitor for any reason. In this way, a specialist can treat any variation that occurs in your blood pressure levels immediately. This way you can improve your quality of life and prevent serious health problems.