Tips to Keep Your Timber Flooring in Best Condition

Timber flooring is known for its appealing colors and texture, creating a pleasant impression, and adding comfort as we walk barefoot. It has a warm appearance and brings out a homey ambiance to any house.

There are so many different types of timber floors to choose from, and not just solid wood. There are engineered varieties as well, including composite and laminated timber floors. Compared to ceramic and porcelain floors, however, timber floors will require more care.

Remember, wood is an organic material and would be more vulnerable to damage, despite it being processed from advanced technologies. To prevent expensive timber floor repairs, you’ll need to care for it well!

Read on for excellent tips to keep timber floors strong and looking great.


1. General Cleaning

When cleaning timber floors, remember that moisture is their worst enemy! If it is too wet, then your floor will experience various problems, from staining of the wood to speak between the gaps, warping floorboards.

However, you will still need to mop it clean to remove stains and dust! This is why it’s important to find and use the correct mop that would keep the floors clean but not cause too much dampness.

It’s best to invest in mops that are specifically designed for timber flooring. These are made with non-scratch and microfiber fabric that protects the wood. Also, look for mops that are great at wringing out water to keep the mop as dry as you can to prevent wet patches on the floor.

When cleaning the timber floors, simply spray a SMALL amount of water with a DAMP mop, which is a safe cleaning method. Dry the floor immediately after mopping. You may quicken the drying process by switching on your ceiling fan if you have one.

Between mopping, use a soft-bristled broom or microfiber dust mop to clean your floors from dust and dirt daily. You can also use a vacuum if you use the floor-brush attachment to prevent further scratching. This is important as dirt buildup may cause scratches on the floor.


2. Removing Stains

Accidents are inevitable, especially when you live with pets or children. That’s why you have to take action immediately to minimize the damage.

The first tip is to use a damp cloth and water. But if the mark or stain is stubborn despite wiping it with a damp cloth, you’ll have to treat it appropriately

Mix a bucket of hot water with one tablespoon of methylated spirits. Use this with your mop and lightly mop the floors, allowing it to dry right after. Do NOT use steam mops to clean or remove stains from timber floors. Furthermore, do NOT use any household cleaners that aren’t made for timber floors, as the wrong chemicals may cause permanent damage.

Before you use any cleaning product on your timber floors, spot test it on a small patch and in an unnoticeable area to see if the floors react kindly.


3. Protect the Floors

Besides cleaning your floors regularly, you should protect them from foot traffic and dust build-up! This will make it easier to clean and also lessen the damage from scratches, accidents, and the like. Here are the tips to follow:

  • Use mats at doors to limit dirt, mud, sand, and other debris. Place rugs in common areas to keep the floors free from dirt, marks, and scratches. Leave all shoes at the door to prevent dirt and dust from coming in, while also preventing marks from high heels and sports shoes.
  • You may want to use protective pads on your heavy furniture as well to stop chair or table legs from rubbing against the floors.
  • Groom your pets, brushing their hair outside to minimize shedding. Also, trim their nails regularly to prevent them from scratching the floors as they walk or run around.
  • Rearrange your furniture regularly and cover your windows using blinds or shades to prevent excess sun exposure and damage. The sun may make certain timber floors brittle.
  • Have a well-ventilated home to avoid excess humidity and moisture, which would cause floorboards to swell.


4. Sand and Polish

Even if you care and maintain your floors well, timber floors would be damaged and scratched over time. This is totally normal, and you shouldn’t blame yourself!

What you can do is to add a new finish to your flooring, which can be done on your own or with professionals. I recommend that you get professionals to refinish your floor, as this service would usually include sanding and polishing as well.

Doing this will have your timber floors look new at a more affordable price, compared to replacing the floors entirely. It will even raise the value of your home and give it a much more refreshing look!

Wrapping It Up

Sometimes, we take our floors for granted until they look cracked or dingy, requiring expensive repairs. Instead of waiting for it to become damaged to take action, have your timber floors look great and last longer with the proper maintenance. Fortunately, caring for your timber floors doesn’t need to be so difficult with the right tips and methods!

I hope that these tips gave insight on how to care for your timber floors even better for them to last longer. Don’t wait any longer and make sure that you start caring for your floors even better now!

If you have questions or want to share your own tips on caring for timber floors, comment on them below! Your thoughts and experiences will be greatly appreciated.