What is streetwear And what are its origins ?

Streetwear clothing came into existence during the 1980s. This kind of clothing provides a retro look and is touched by the hipster and the sneaker culture. This clothing also provides the element of a vintage style sneaker. So do not get mixed up with those big, baggy, and super-size clothing. This clothing is usually a mixture of casual clothes such as T-shirts, jeans, sneakers, basketball caps etc.

The clothing was first adopted in Japan and was considered an urban fashion during the 1980s. The Japanese watched, learned and took the streetwear to another level. Many different countries followed suit and many companies have even endorsed their own label for this type of clothing.


What is streetwear?

As of today, this type of clothing shares a close association with that of underground music and the concept related to graffiti. This style provides its focal attention on comfort, and the individual hooked to this style is recognized as the individual who has been liberated from the usual norms. Born in the mid-eighties, this exotic type has been greatly influenced by the music industry of yesteryears and today.


How did this trendy fashion take its roots?

Streetwear fashion was the idea mooted by the Americans, and in the mid-eighties, when the music like rock, punk, and pop were ruling reigning in the music industry. They also produced a strong influence on the trendy style.  Back then California was held by this exotic apparel style, and the initial crowd who got hooked to this clothing style was the skateboard crowd. Streetwear labels started popping up, and the phenomenal growth registered by this style was there to be witnessed by the world. This apparel style with further developments has even influenced the trendy culture found in Japan, which is a prime market where this apparel type is a revered style that stays on top.

Let us discuss some of the streetwear clothing tips. The traditional streetwear is usually a pair of blue jeans and a white colored T-shirt. But these days, you come across many other different styles of this type of clothing. In different countries, there are different variations of these outfits. The choice for men’s clothing might be limited but when it comes to women’s clothing they have a variety of designs to choose from such as shorts, dresses, slacks, and skirts etc. all of which come under the category of streetwear clothing. In case you prefer getting into casual wear, you can choose from Tracksuits, shorts, blouses, skivvies etc.

Whenever you wear this type of clothing, you get an opportunity to express yourself. You literally do not require copying every fashion that you see in a magazine. In fact, you can introduce your own clothing style. Your style of clothing can actually reflect your personality. Generally speaking, you will feel comfortable and relaxed while wearing such clothes. Moreover, you will feel energetic and make a mark of your own.


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