Why Is Your Body in Pain?

Pain is described as an uncomfortable feeling, which is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. It can be a steady, throbbing, burning, or another type of sensation. Most times, pain can be a nuisance, such as a headache, but bowie md pain management can be of help in a case like that.

Pain can cause physical symptoms as well, such as nausea, dizziness, weakness, and drowsiness. Pain also has a relation with a person’s emotion, such as causing anger, depression, irritability, and mood swings. More than anything else, pain is the cause of a person’s change in lifestyle, job, and relationship.

Types of Pains

Acute Pain

Acute pain is described as pain that begins one random day and feels sharp. It is your body’s way of signaling that something is wrong. The majority of times, acute pain can be resolved easily but can last up to three to six months.

It is easy to predict the pattern of recovery for acute pain, allowing for a treatment plan to be made quickly. Many pain specialists advise that a person suffering from acute pain should seek treatment to avoid it from becoming chronic pain. Causes of acute pain include:

  • Broken bone
  • Cuts and burns
  • Diseases
  • Childbirth or labor
  • Soft tissue injury (gained by a strong slap)
  • Post-operative pain

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is defined as persistent serious pain that lasts for more than six months. Chronic pain treatment is more difficult than acute pain treatment, as a multi-disciplinary approach must be taken. This type of approach involves many specialists that need to provide treatment altogether.

Chronic pain causes people to suffer, both physically and emotionally. Physical symptoms of chronic pain include muscle tension, loss of movement, reduced energy, and reduced appetite. The emotional effects include anger, depression, and anxiety. Chronic pain can be caused by:

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Spinal Disorders
  • Soft tissue injuries caused by vehicle accidents or fall
  • Psychogenic pain


Pains Described as Acute or Chronic Pain

Psychogenic Pain

This is a physical pain that is caused due to psychological problems. This means the pain being experienced is due to an individual’s emotional or mental issues.

Somatic Pain

Somatic pain is experienced when a person has a bodily injury, or it can also be linked to other effects on the pain receptors of your body such as the skin, muscles, bones, and joints. This type of pain is chronic and can be a symptom of cancer.

Visceral Pain

Visceral pain is experienced when there is an injury or some form of damage to the internal organs.

Referred Pains

Referred pain is experienced in one part of the body but is being caused due to pain in another part of your body. For example, if a person’s pancreas is injured, then it can cause back pain or a heart attack and cause pain in the jaw.

Causes of Referred Pains

Referred pain occurs because all the nerves in your body are connected. When a part of the body experiences pain, then your nervous system carries those signals to the brain. Your body will then get a signal from the brain that it is feeling pain.

Because nerves are wired in the body, your brain can end up sending the pain signal to another part of the body that is not actually in pain but will now experience it due to the misdirected signal. The synapses and reflexes that you are unaware of can also be the reason why pain signals go from one area of your body to another as a sign of a medical issue.

Researchers are still working on the mechanism and reason behind why the body gives such a response.


Types of Referred Pains

Heart attack

A heart attack is a common cause behind why people experience referred pains. Referred pain caused by a heart attack can be felt in your jaw, teeth, and shoulders. This pain occurs when the body is reacting to a blockage in the heart valves, which can cause a heart attack.

Phantom limb pain

If an individual’s arm or leg gets amputated, then oftentimes, they have the feeling of pain in the area from where it was removed. For example, if your foot was amputated, you may feel pain in the same leg’s upper thigh.

Kehr’s sign

Kehr’s sign occurs when pain is felt in the shoulder blades. This pain can be a sign of a ruptured or injured spleen.

Brain freeze

Brain Freeze is the pain you experience when you drink or eat something icy. This type of pain is also considered to be referred pain since the body reacts to the pain stimulus happening within your mouth or throat.

Where Does Referred Pain Most Often Occur?

Referred pain does not have a specific spot and can be felt anywhere. This is why it is difficult to diagnose referred pain. Some of the common areas of referred pain include:

Shoulders and Neck

If you experience pain in your shoulders or neck, then it can be a sign of:

  • Injured spleen
  • Heat attack
  • Liver cyst

Upper Back

If you experience pain in your upper back area, either below or between your shoulder blades, it can indicate a stomach condition.

Lower Back and Sides of Your Body

Pain in your lower back or the sides of your back can sign an issue related to your kidney or colon.

Teeth and Jaws

Pain in the teeth and jaws is an early sign of a heart attack.



Pain is a part of the human body and cannot be replaced with any other sensation. It has an important function in our bodies and should never be undermined; if an individual lacked the sensation of pain, then they would never know when they must urinate, whether they broke a bone when they fell or if they ended up biting their own tongue. While pain is uncomfortable, it is still something we must experience for survival. However, seeking treatment as soon as possible is critical.