Why Mobile-Friendly Web Design Is Important for Business Success?

mobile friendly phone website

A mobile-friendly website is one that can be easily displayed on mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones with various operating systems such as Android, IOS.

Over time, this has become of utmost importance to business owners. You have probably heard about it from others. Approximately 1.6 billion people use their mobile devices to shop online globally according to recent researches. Mobile users search the web for products and services and easily perform a transaction on mobile-friendly websites.

It has become the norm in the recent year. If you are still unsure about joining the bandwagon, keep reading to learn what mobile-friendly web design means for business success.


The Importance of Mobile-friendly Web Design with Numbers

In today’s world almost everyone owns a mobile device. You would agree that your mobile device consumes a large part of your time. Mobile devices can do anything from making calls, to setting events on calendars, providing access to your mails, the internet, and social media. The possibilities are endless. Since people depends heavily on their mobile devices on any part of the daily lives including shopping, business owners are advised to ensure their websites are mobile-friendly.

In 2016, the use of mobile devices surpassed that of desktop. Mobile devices had 51.2% use while desktop had 48.7% globally. These numbers rise steadily in favor of mobile. What it all means is that your website has to be mobile-friendly to capture the devices traffic on mobile sites and accelerate your business’ growth.

Beyond reaching more customers and increasing sales, a mobile-friendly web design gives you higher credibility. It allows anyone who visits your site to have a great user experience. This preserves your reputation and strengthens your brand.

It is also standard best practice recommended by Google and search engines in general. As a business owner with an online presence, it is no secret that search engines are constantly improving or updating and keeping up with each new update is necessary to stay relevant to the search engine. Google rolled out the mobilefirst indexing which simply means that Google indexes the mobile version of a page now instead of the desktop. Google uses factors like mobile-friendliness how to rank your website based on. This fact makes mobile-friendly web design even more important.

In addition to other benefits and relevance of mobile-friendly sites, these sites also make you look good. Your customers want contemporary, innovative website experience. They want to do business with someone who is aware of trends and changes across industries. A poor or non-existent mobile site experience will literally tell these clients to head over to your competitors.


Mobile-friendly Checklist

A mobile-friendly site must possess the qualities below;

  • Mobile-friendly or responsive web design
  • Structured data
  • Fast loading time
  • Appropriate use of button and font sizes
  • Easy to navigate
  • Avoid flash
  • Use high quality images
  • Prioritize the information people look for
  • Easy to read content

To know if your website is optimized to be mobile-friendly, use the Google Mobile-Friendly test. If it is not, then it’s time for an upgrade with a web designer. Ensure your mobile-friendly site can attract your prospective clients. Focus on a smooth and proper experience for mobile visitors.