How to View and Sync Clipboard History On Windows 10  

Even though Windows has changed a lot over the years, the clipboard has remained the same for a long time. However, the Windows 10 Insider Build 17666 presents a new feature, which makes it possible to sync and view your clipboard history. It is an opt-in feature, so you don’t need to worry about your security. The feature supports both files and images. In the future, it may support files. 

Tristan Stewart, a managed IT services provider in Dallas says, you do not need to keep your history without syncing it across your devices.

Your Clipboard History On Windows 10

Before viewing your clipboard history, you need to enable it first. On the Settings app, find the System group of settings. Open the Clipboard tab and enable the option ‘Save multiple items.’ The option allows you to save and recall items from your clipboard history. To recall items, you may use the Win +V shortcut on your keyboard. The shortcut opens up a pop-up at the bottom of your screen. It shows items that you recently copied.

If there are copied images, you will see previews rather than the actual images. You may click on an item to re-copy it. You may also pin it to the panel. If you wish to remove an item from your clipboard history, click on the close button next to it.

Syncing Your Clipboard

If you wish to sync your clipboard across several devices, go to the Settings screen and scroll down. Find the option ‘Sync across devices’ and sign in with your Microsoft account. You can only synch your items after you sign into your Microsoft account.

How Does Sync Work?

After enabling clipboard sync, the items on your clipboard are synchronized between your devices that run the October 2018 Update. The option ‘Automatically sync text that I copy’ automatically causes Windows 10 to sync everything you copy to your clipboard. After clicking ‘Copy’ or pressing Ctrl +C, you don’t need to do anything else.

If you choose the option ‘Never automatically sync text that I copy,’ you have to choose what you wish to copy manually. After opening Clipboard history, hover over items in your history and click on the icon ‘Sync to other devices.’

Initially, Windows 10 may only sync under 10KB of data using the feature. Large images and text may not sync until Microsoft reaches the limit. The feature syncs your clipboard items to Microsoft’s SwiftKey keyboard for Android, iPhone, and iPad.

Caution When Dealing With Clipboard Data

When dealing with your clipboard data, it is reasonable to have privacy concerns. Do not enable the sync feature if you are unsure of Microsoft’s ability to offer you the privacy you need. Be careful about the type of data you copy.

Be careful about copy-pasting sensitive information such as passwords, logins, and your bank details. If you choose to enable your Windows 10 clipboard history, avoid copying confidential information. If you do, clear it out as soon as possible.

The process of clearing your clipboard history is simple. It will remove it both on Microsoft servers and your devices. Go to Settings, System, and then Clipboard. Click ‘Clear’ under ‘Clear Clipboard Data.’ However, this option won’t clear pinned items. You have to unpin and delete them manually.

In conclusion, the clipboard can be a handy tool if used properly. If you intend to copy several items into a space or several spaces, it is your most convenient option. Windows 10 gives you a new Clipboard experience. You can easily access a history of the items copied to your clipboard, sync them across your devices, and pin items that you use frequently.