Mould in the house: why it is so dangerous and how to remove it

Mould in the living area is the common problem for many households. However, often people do not realise that mould is not only an optical problem, but also has harmful features. Toxic mould spores in the air are inhaled by household members and cause health problems.

What damage can mould infestation cause?

The health consequences of mould infections are visible in allergies, breathing difficulties and bronchial diseases. These diseases often cause headaches, burning eyes, cold and sleep disorders. People who have weakened immune system, are particularly at risk. They are mainly elderly people and children. For them, mould disease can have devastating consequences, if it is not treated quickly and the cause of mould is not removed.

Where does it come from?

Household mould often comes from showering, cooking or drying laundry in poorly ventilated and/or poorly insulated rooms. In a warm room, steam condensation often forms in cold areas of walls and ceilings, creating ideal conditions for the formation of spores. Leaky windows, leaking dishwashers or poorly sealed cellars can also cause mould.

Mould spotted in the apartment, what´s now?

Unfortunately, just removing (“rubbing off”) the mould after discovering it in the apartment is not enough. The mould so removed will soon return. To get rid of the mould for good, it is necessary to start by establishing why the mould has appeared in the property. If moisture is here a problem, which is not the result of poor thermal insulation of the walls, it must be tackled. In order to do this, you should ventilate the rooms more often, and it is worth checking the ventilation efficiency of the apartment. If it is not enough – and since mould has appeared, it is probably so – it should be strengthened, for example, by installing mechanical fans in the ventilators. These will force air circulation in the apartment. Circulation in the apartment will be possible, however, if we additionally ensure a continuous supply of fresh air.

If the mould has already developed, this area should be treated with highly resistant alcohol or a special cleaning detergent. Of course, the cause of mould formation should also be eliminated. In the case of mould that has developed in bathrooms or kitchens it is often sufficient to remove it and improve ventilation after showering, cooking or drying. Even leaking devices or windows can be quickly replaced. A leaking basement, however, usually requires extensive and costly external retrofitting to ensure that the basement is watertight and thus eliminates the problem once and for all. This will require the help from professionals. If you would like to find an experts who will help you to remove the mould in your cellar, you can use the service like Deutsche Bauvermittlung. There you can very easy define the problem, by answering few simple questions and they will find suitable for your problem local company.

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