Prostate Removal Side Effects

Are you considering a prostate removal? Do you want to learn more about prostate surgery and its potential side effects? Then, this post is just for you as it covers everything you need to know about prostate removal. The prostate is located in front of the rectum and under the bladder. It is a gland which plays a vital role in the male reproductive system. The prostate produces the fluids which help carry the sperm.

What Is A Prostatectomy?

A prostatectomy is a surgery for the complete or partial removal of the prostate. One of the main reasons why people undergo a prostate surgery is because of prostate cancer. A prostatectomy is also crucial in case of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) and an enlarged prostate.

The first step to make the final decision for undergoing the treatment is pretreatment education. General anesthesia facilitates all types of prostrate surgery. It puts patients to sleep. Moreover, one may opt for spinal anesthesia as it helps numb the lower part of the body. The doctor will consider which type of anesthesia will suit you best.

Why Do People Undergo Prostate Removal?

Some of the reasons why people undergo prostate removal are mentioned as below.

  • Helps minimize the pain after, during, and before the surgery.
  • Helps minimize any possible side effects.
  • Allows one to maintain erections in order to proceed with intercourse or any other sexual activity such as masturbation, etc.
  • Helps maintain urinary continence.
  • Tries to cure prostate cancer or any other condition.

Types Of Prostate Surgery

Before you can learn more about the side effects of prostate removal, it is important that you know more about the different types of prostate surgery. The main purpose of the prostate surgery you seek depends completely on your situation. For instance, the purpose of prostate surgery could be to get rid of cancerous tissue.

  1. Open Prostatectomy

Known as an open approach or traditional open surgery, open prostatectomy consists of an incision wherein the surgeon removes the prostate as well as all nearby tissues. When it comes to open prostatectomy, there are two types of approaches that are commonly used.

Radical Retro Pubic

In a radical retro public procedure, the surgeon cuts through the public bone from the bellybutton. Generally, the prostate would only be removed in such a procedure. However, if the cancer has spread, then, some lymph nodes would need to be remove for testing.

If the surgeon finds that the cancer has spread, then, the surgeon would not continue with the procedure.

Radical Perineal Approach

In a radical perineal approach, the surgeon cuts between the scrotum and rectum. This procedure is only conducted where you have any other medical conditions which make it difficult to undergo retro pubic surgery. Thus, the surgeon would be unable to remove any of the lymph nodes. However, this procedure takes much less time as compared to a retro pubic surgery. But, keep in mind that there is also a higher risk of erectile dysfunction. General anesthesia or spinal anesthesia are required for the surgery.

  1. Laparoscopic Approach

When it comes to laparoscopic surgery, it is a minimally invasive surgery. It is conducted in two different ways.

Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy

In order for the surgery to be conducted, multiple tiny cuts will have to be made so that small surgical instruments can be inserted. A thin tube that contains a camera will be used by the surgeon to get an idea of the region.

Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy

These days, the popularity of robotic interface has increased when it comes to conducting a surgery. For this type of surgery, a robotic arm is used by the surgeon. The robotic arm helps provide greater precision and maneuverability.


Sides Effects Of Prostate Surgery/ Removal

Just like any other surgical procedure, there is a risk of certain side effects when undergoing prostate surgery/ removal as mentioned below.

  1. Urinary Incontinence

The bladder is connected to your urethra and pulled downwards during the prostatectomy. Thus, the sphincter at the bladder’s base could get damaged while undergoing the procedure. This may lead to urinary leakage or incontinence. After the surgery, it is common for men to immediately experience some type of leakage. However, one should not worry as it would improve gradually and can be dealt with through strengthening exercise. It should take about a year for men to regain their urinary control. Hence, pads will need to be worn. Moreover, pelvic floor muscle training will prove beneficial.

  1. Sexual Performance

Sex matters a lot to men and that is why it is crucial to consider the side effects of a prostate removal such as how it affect sexual performance. The most common side effect of the procedure is erectile dysfunction no matter whether the nerves had been spared or not. The blood vessels and nerves which control an erection tend to be very delicate and any sort of trauma caused to the region would result in a change. Normally, it takes about a year for men to experience considerable improvement after the treatment.

However, keep in mind that the outcome considerably depends on the skill of the physician or surgeon. Men that have baseline erectile dysfunction or any other disease or medical condition like vascular problems or diabetes will have a harder time reaching pre-treatment erection levels.

  1. Fertility

As prostate removal has a huge impact on maintaining an erection, hence, fertility is also impacted by the surgery. This is why it is important to ensure that you find the right surgeon such as one from New Men’s Health potency treatment to help you out. The best way to ensure that you get the best results is by choosing the right surgeon to help you out.

  1. Bowel Function

Finally, another possible side effect of a prostate removal is bowel functioning. However, it is quite rare for men to experience a change in bowel functioning post-surgery. Only in rare cases where the prostate cancer had advanced and invaded the rectum would lead to rectal damage after the surgery.