SEO in 2021 – The Latest Trends

Search engine optimization or SEO offers an effective way for businesses to attract customers. As SEO continues to evolve, it is crucial to take learn about the latest trends to up your game. With competition on the rise, it is vital that you keep up with the most recent updates. However, your website would be hidden. Besides, most internet users focus on organic results and avoid clicking on paid listings. This should be reason enough to focus on the latest trends. This post shares the top SEO trends for 2021. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI will play an even greater role when it comes to SEO in 2021. It is changing how people interact online. The AI algorithm used by Google is worth considering. It has only been a few years since it was first unveiled. It influences how Google ranks website content. What makes it unique is the fact that it possesses the ability to learn. Thus, it continues to improve over time. Although it is still a secret what is important for the Rank Brain, professionals believe that user experience is the name of the game. Therefore, you need to focus on improving your user experience or considering SEO to take your website to the next level.

  1. Voice Search

Another SEO trend to watch out for in 2021 is voice search. It will influence search queries. Innovations such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google Assistant have paved the way for voice search technology to reign supreme. As more and more households own a smart speaker, it is important to optimize for voice search. You will need to use the right keywords. Longer phrases that are commonly used in everyday conversation will allow you to better target your audience. The more natural-sounding the phrasing the better the results would be.

  1. Focus on Mobile-Friendly

Search engine ranking will be influenced by mobile-friendliness. Ever since Google launched its mobile-first indexing, it has become imperative to focus on mobile-friendly websites. Search engines will continue to look at the mobile version of each website and consider it to be the primary version of the website rather than the desktop version. As the number of mobile internet users increases, it is crucial to invest in mobile-friendliness.

  1. Content Which Fulfills Google EAT Principle

To rank higher, there is a need for the content to fulfill Google EAT principle. Content quality is something that you cannot ignore. It will determine your online success. You must be wondering what quality means. The EAT principle stands for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. The factors would determine just how useful a webpage is. The principle needs to be considered to boost your SEO ranking. Quality content is essential. Therefore, you must first create buyer personas to gain an understanding of the type of content that your audience values. Secondly, search intent research requires you to map out the entire customer journey. Make sure to back up all your claims with facts and statistics by linking the content to reputable websites.

  1. Long-Form Content Will Enhance SERPs

An SEO trend that you should not ignore is long-form content. It can help improve your ranking in no time. To create long reads, you must write content of over 3,000 words. It will generate more traffic and shares. Besides, long-form content also generates more backlinks. When you share long-form content, you can expect to rank higher. However, you cannot compromise on quality. You must create content that is shareable and keeps viewers engaged. This is possible by breaking up the content into different sections. Thus, the content would be easy to scan through. You can even use an SEO content template tool.

  1. Emergence of Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are becoming more prominent. By creating featured snippets, you get to gain prominence online and ensure relevance. As they are brief, you should have no trouble making them. There are snippets which you will come across when you type something on Google. When you score a snippet on Google, you get to generate a ton of traffic. To get a featured snippet, you must share structured information such as how-to guides and bullet-point content. Besides, snippets include product prices, star-based reviews, and images.

  1. Improvement in Predictive Search

In addition to the above, you will also notice an improvement in predictive search in 2021. Google Discover was created back in 2017 and has come a long way. It offers an exciting way to search for information. Besides, it does not require user query. Discover is the AI-driven tool offered by Google that recommends content to users based on their behavior. The fact is that the information enables Google to identify accurate content for users. Boasting over 800 million active users, you need to create content that appears on Google Discover.

  1. Video Content

Humans are visual creatures. This is why it makes sense to video content. Online videos have become extremely popular. With YouTube attracting over a billion users, you need to start creating video content to keep users hooked. Video is possibly the best content form. Optimize video content by ensuring that the video name and description is concise, contains keywords, and engaging. Avoid cramming keywords into the description.

  1. Image Optimization

An SEO trend that you should focus on is image optimization. It will have a greater role in 2021. Visual image search has changed considerably. Today, people can easily search for what they require by going through images. This is why you need to use the right images to sell your products, provide information, and engage with customers. Google ranks websites based on high-quality and are relevant images.


After you have finished reading this post, you will come to know about the top SEO trends in 2021. From artificial intelligence and image optimization, each trend requires you to stay vigilant. You need to check out New York SEO Services to succeed.