What is Gigantomastia?

Gigantomastia and Macromastia are the two types of Breast Hypertrophy. It is a physical condition in which overabundant growth of female breasts is noticed. The connective tissues that keep the breasts firm are loosened and become enlarged in their size. This condition occurs in females only. Males do not undergo such severe conditions. With this, many difficulties arise for a person to function properly. A female who is diagnosed with such a condition has a very visible idea of it because the change is very visible and generally starts in puberty. According to medical research, the breast size increases the 3% of total body mass.


The causes of gigantomastia are not well reasoned upon. There is no absolute explanation as to why it happens. Many studies conclude that when a woman undergoes excessive growth of her breasts, an instant hormonal change is seen. These include an increased volume of estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. The reason could be the hormonal changes in it. Moreover, the enlarged breasts are composed of fibrous only. So, the argument proposed here is the excess amount of fiber in the body that rally in a specific area, mostly the chest region, and causes the size to grow. Scientists have concluded that signs of gigantomastia start to develop in the early stages of puberty. A teenager’s body shows that she is inclined towards a disproportionate growth on her chest. One other speculation proposed is that women with Aromatase excess syndrome are more prone to suffer through gigantomastia. This is the endocrine gland syndrome that is known to be responsible for estrogen. An excess presence is the major cause of gigantomastia. Another theory proposes that women with  Hyperprolactinemia fall victim to such a condition. With all this, some pregnant women fall victim to this. Since they have to breastfeed their newborn child, the muscles on the breast and nipple region are loosened. This way, a visible growth is seen. But if the calcium fibroids start to clutter the area, then an abnormal growth might be visible. And this could eventually lead to breast hypertrophy. In some older ladies, one major cause of gigantomastia could be chronic arthritis. They are diagnosed with a back pain that causes a strain on their shoulders, leading to a growth on their chest area. Apart from that, some medical theories argue that using certain drugs and medication might also add onto the condition and bring it to a worst stage.



Medically, there are no lab tests to confirm that a person is suffering from gigantomastia. Because the abnormal growth is enough to tell the difference. First and foremost, the abnormal proportion of the body makes it uncomfortable to perform certain daily tasks like running, sleeping comfortably or even bending. This is followed by the back pain while sitting. A person who has to work while sitting has a hard time coping up with all the weight that’s pressed upon their body. Even in normal setting, a female cannot be eased with the unconventional breast weight. In most cases, one breast is larger than the other one and that’s where it gets hard to adjust. Not fitting in the older clothes is one visible change to notice when something like that happens. Moreover, the neck and shoulders also suffer. They are bent towards the weight that’s present on the lower body.

Symptoms of breast hypertrophy are gauged  through the timely infections caused by the constant struggle of the breasts to find the space to adjust in. As the skin is stretched, it certainly causes some itchiness and redness in the breast region. And rubbing it again and again causes scars. The heavy weight of breasts that are pressed upon the lower abdomen increases the chances of infections. A place that’s constantly covered by damp moisture is bound to face some fungal infections. This is observed in toes as well if a person wears socks too often and too long. Loss of nipple sensation is one symptom of gigantomatia. Fondling the breast by hands or a partner’s help does not feel sensational anymore.



Idiopathic gigantomastia is the most occurred and common type. This has no certain cause to it and is normally because of some bodily malfunction, probably hormones. Second is Puberty-induced or juvenile gigantomastia that occurs in the puberty stage of a person. This too is caused by the sex hormones that need to stay in balance. The next type is Gestational or pregnancy-induced gigantomastia that either occurs between the pregnancy, 16th or 22nd week. The first sign of this type of gigantomastia is the swelling of the breasts. Symptoms could also follow right after the infant is born. Having a normal milk supply through nipples might be an issue because they are pressed by the constant weight of the fibroids. Medication- or drug-induced gigantomastia is the one that happens because of certain medication. No every drug is beneficial to each body type.


Social Setting

This condition has been associated with psychological pressure and self-esteem issues. A female with breasts of that size is bound to attract attention. And that type pf attention is not what any female expects. It makes her uncomfortable to get into the eyes and the stares of the people. This eventually leads to self-esteem issues. Not being able to fit in and being confident about herself is where a female suffers.



An absolute effective treatment of such condition has not been proposed yet because the causes are not known. Some old methods of reducing the swelling of breasts was by using ice. But if a person fears something like that, a doctor must be consulted immediately. Using Dopamine receptor D2, a protein induced in human body through artificial ways, is also helpful. A more appropriate and common solution is breast reduction surgery. The abnormality of breast size could be reduced through a proper surgery. But the treatment is itself expensive. Consulting a doctor in this situation is a must.

Keep a check on your body and never ignore the signs and symptoms. We hope the article was helpful in gaining a better insight on gigantomastia.


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